Stop Hurting Nayeon

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Nayeon's POV

"Miss Im, just leave the documents you're carrying with you and leave. I want to be alone." as soon as I entered Jeongyeon's office, his voice echoed around his quiet office that we were both in.
"But there are some reports from the PR department I have to explain -" I didn't even finished what I was saying when I saw him raise his right hand. A sign that he just wants me to stop and just follow his orders.
I obliged and put everything on his desk and before I know it, he coughed like he choked on something.
I rushed to his side and offered him some bottled water. He took it and drank from it but he then swiftly held my wrist.

"Who was that guy you're with the other day?" he asked.
Why is he curious all of a sudden?
"I'm sorry?" I said.
"The short guy you met at the lobby." Jeongyeon said impatiently while tapping his pen on the table and still holding my wrist.
"That's... That's my son's... Father." I just said. It's true that Chaeyoun is standing as Youngie's father right?
"Oh."I just heard him say.
"Is that all sir? "I asked, trying to end the conversation.
"But in your resume, you're single?" he probed.
"I think my personal life has nothing to do with my job sir. Is there a problem?" I asked. Why is he asking all of this questions. It doesn't make sense.
"Hmm.. I'm just curious. I don't want my employees lying to me." He just smirked.
"I am not lying sir. We just... We just haven't planned our wedding yet. We're not rich to plan a wedding in one click, like you can." I sarcastically said. I've had enough of it already.

I pulled my hand away from him as his grip was  starting to get tighter.
"Miss Im..." I hear him say and the next thing, his lips was locked on mine.
He pulled my frozen body closer to his and now I'm seated on his lap while his hands are trailing soft circles on my sides.
I missed him. I miss feeling his warmth, his strong arms wrapped around me and his hot kisses.
I can feel that my heart is going to burst right at this very moment.

"Please.." I heard him say.
"What?"I said between our kisses.
"Don't replace me in your heart." he whispered as he started to unbutton my blouse and he started to reach for my breast.


"MISS IM!" I jolted from my position when his voice thundered around me. I looked around.
I'm in my office but I was just in Jeongyeon's office just now, kissing his lips right?
What's happening?
"Miss Im, I'm not paying you to sleep on the job." I heard a familiar voice that's been the subject of my dream.
I groaned and looked at him.

I was sleeping?

That's just a dream?!
He's just standing by the door of my office.
His smug face just looking at me.
It's the first time I didn't see him in his tailored suit. He's only wearing his long sleeved white polo and he folded both of the sleeves to his elbows. His necktie was slightly undone and he's wearing his round framed eyeglasses that he only uses when he's typing something on his computer. He looks like a regular employee and not the high and mighty president of this company.

So sexy.

I shook the thought as soon as it entered my mind. What the hell Im Nayeon!
"I'm sorry sir. I must've been too tired from last night." I stood up and bowed to him.
"And what were you doing last night that took all of your energy, Miss Im?" he asked. A slight malice laced his voice.
What's up with him.
"Nothing sir. Is there's anything I can do for you?" I asked.
"That's why I'm here for. Please send out the invitations for my wedding. Deadline is today so my guests can prepare for a month. The invitations will be delivered in your office in an hour. Tell me when you're done." he just said and he closed the door of my office.
I just looked at the door and sighed as I remember the lucid dream I just had. That was really realistic, I can almost feel it in my skin. After some time thinking, I just shook everything away by working on organizing Jeongyeon's schedule for the whole month. His schedule is packed now because he wanted to take a two weeks off for his honeymoon after his wedding.
I can't help but smile bitterly.
Who knew I'll be the ex that will prepare things for my ex boyfriend's wedding right?

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now