Why Did Yoo Get A Girlfriend On The First Day?

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Momo's POV

Wtf did just happened??? "
I looked at Mina who's obviously in a lot of pain. She was shocked at what Nayeon did.
"I didn't know Nayeon eonnie and Jeongyeon oppa were a thing. "Sana said.
"Yeah me too. " Tzuyu added.
I grabbed Mina's hand who is currently shaking from the anger she must be feeling.
What the hell was Nayeon thinking?
Are they really a couple that we didn't know of?
How about Mina?
"Let's go Momo. We have to get back to class. "she just said and stomped off.
I followed her and left Sana and Tzuyu on their own.

Nayeon's POV

We have been inside this dark room for a few minutes now.
We're just there kissing.
Jeez. I don't wanna let his lips go but his phone suddenly give out a notification sound.
He stopped what we're doing and grabbed his phone from his jackets pocket.

"We should head back to our classroom." he just said and he moved away from me.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me again and whispered, "Not until you kiss me again."
Damn. Im Nayeon.
It's your first day of class and all you learned about is kissing this guys plump lips.
I heard him chuckled.
"Suit yourself." he said.
And I pulled him by his collar and my lips landed on his again. I kissed him till we're both panting hard.
He held my hand and said "we really should be going now." as he planted another soft kiss on my lips and pulled me away from the dark room we're in.
We are at the hallway when he suddenly walked faster away from me.
This dude told me I'm his girlfriend, kissed me non stop and now he's not even waiting for me.
What a tsundere.

Chaeyoung's POV

I went inside our classroom to see Jeongyeon hyung and Nayeon noona are not back from lunch yet.
I texted hyung asking where he is.
He was never late so I started to worry.

A few minute went by when he entered our classroom. His collar was wrinkly and his lips were red with obvious lipstick marks.
Did he kissed Mina noona?
I panicked at the thought.
But then what the hell can you do Chaeng?
He then sat on his table, pulled out a book and started reading again.
Just then Nayeon noona walked in our classroom with a huge smile on her face.
"What happened hyung? Why is your collar wrinkly? And why is your lips all red?" I asked Jeongyeon.
Nayeon heard this and blushed.
"Nothing. I'm just having a bad day I guess." Jeongyeon replied not even looking away from his book. He started fixing his collar and neck tie. He then wiped his lips.
I looked at Nayeon. Her expression is blank now.
Then suddenly, "Yah!! Yoo Jeongyeon! Didn't you say I'm already you're girlfriend? Why are you hiding it now? Aren't you proud to have me?" Nayeon noona blurted out.
Some of our classmates heard her and looked at Jeongyeon.
"Aiiish! You can't even keep a secret Nayeonah." Jeongyeon just said still looking all smug.
"What?! Girlfriend?? Why hyung?" I said. Confused as to why all of a sudden this happened. What about Mina?
"Wae, Chaeyoungie? Don't you want me for your hyung?" Nayeon faked hurt.
"It's not that noona. But what about-" I said. Thank god I stopped myself from saying about Mina.
I just congratulated them and texted Mina noona.

Me: 1:14 PM
Hello Mina noona! How r u?

I texted her immediately to see how she is.

Mina my Penguin: 1:30 PM
Sorry for my late reply Chaengie. I'm fine. How's Jeongyeon oppa? He and Nayeon eonnie left us during lunch. :<

Damn that sad emoji at the end. How do I even tell her that hyung has a girlfriend now.

Me: 1:32 PM
It's alright. Sorry for bothering u. Hyung is fine, he's in class.

Me: 2:00 PM
Mina noona, do you want to grab some gelato before going home? Hyung can't take you home later since he has a baseball practice.

Mina my Penguin: 2:01 PM

I smiled at my phone upon seeing her reply.
How can I save this girl's heart from breaking when she hears about Jeongyeon dating Nayeon noona.

Jeongyeon POV

It's finally the end of our class. I checked my watch to see that it's 5 PM. I have baseball practice at 5:30.

I stood up and bid Chaeyoung goodbye.
As I was going out of our classroom, I felt a book hit me on the head.
I looked back at whoever has thrown their book to me with annoyance.
Everyone has gone out of our classroom now except the two of us.
"Yah!!! Yoo Jeongyeon where are you going?"
My bunny said.
Damn. I can't get used to this.

"Why?" I just said.

"Why are you leaving your girlfriend behind." she walked near me and linked her arms with mine.
My heart started beating fast.
"Yah! Im Nayeon. I have baseball practice today. See you tomorrow." I said nonchalantly.
"What did you say? How dare you say" Yah" to me? I'm older than you, idiot! "she said. Her hands are on her hips now.
I closed the door and pulled her close to me and locked my arms around her waist.
"But you're my girlfriend now." I whispered.
Her mouth then agaped showing her cute bunny teeth.
I kissed her cheeks. She's damn adorable.
"I'm sorry I can't take you home today. My practice will take about an hour and I don't even have a car." I told her.
She just stood there staring at me.
"Nayeonah, you have to go home. What time will your driver arrive to pick you up?" I asked as I kissed her forehead.
She pouted, pointing at her lips for me to kiss her.
"No. I can't do that. I'll need to focus on my practice later instead of missing your lips, my bunny." I said. I moved my gaze outside and
saw the sun setting outside our classroom already.
"I'll take you to the lobby. We can wait for your driver there." I grabbed her hand and she pulled me towards her.
"Yaaah. Nayeonie" I chuckled.
I kissed her straight on the lips.

I don't even know what got into me for asking her to be my girlfriend in our first day but all I know is she's the reason why it's a good start for my 3rd year in University.

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