Yoo Empire

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March 2019

Mina's POV

I'm so stupid.
Why did I ever go to that stupid bar to drink?
Now my eyes are getting drowsy from drinking and I can't see Jeongyeon's face clearly. Fuck.
It's been a month since I last saw him and it was during their company's merger meeting which Jeongyeon choose to held at my hotel.
I sigh.
"Babe are you okay? Are you still mad at me?" I was mesmerized with his face that I didn't noticed that I gave out a loud sigh.
"Sorry. I'm just sleepy." I replied.
"Then maybe I should just drop you off at your place Mina. We can schedule lunch next time." he said as he let go of my hand, ready to shift gears.
"No! No. No. No. I'm... I want to be with you oppa." I said in a daze. Being with him is a rare opportunity that I can't miss. He's always busy with work after what happened.
"Alright, alright. You can take a short nap babe. I'll just wake you up when we arrive at my place, okay?" He said as he patted my leg and focused on driving.
He's right. I should take as much sleep as I can so I can look at him more clearly later.

I felt gentle nudge on my shoulder so I opened my eyes to see a gentle pair of eyes staring at me. I blushed. I looked around and saw that we arrived at his place. I was a little out of it when we both walked to his apartment.
When we arrived at his front door, He unlocked it and suddenly his dog Bbosong came running to him with the dog's tail wagging.
He hugged the white pomeranian dog and carried it, ushering me to enter the place.
Ahhh. How I wish I was a dog so you'd hug me like that Jeongyeon.
His house is decorated to his liking.
Simple and clean. The color schemes are the shade of black and blue, accented with white and gold marble of the floor. This place, even though it's an "apartment" comes with a large aquarium inside and an indoor pool. Everything is well organized, even his plants are put in organizer boxes. He's living in a studio type apartment since he wanted to have a space of his own. He had this apartment after we graduated in college.

"Are you hungry? I can cook some pasta real quick." He said as he let go of Bbosong and went to the kitchen.
"Hm. Okay. I'll help you cook babe." I said following him to the kitchen where he took out an apron from one of the cabinets. "No. You're not here to cook, besides you're sleepy already... if you want to sleep, you can sleep in my room." he said while washing his hands thoroughly and opening a jar of tomato sauce after.
What? Me? Sleeping in his room? I've never done that.
His sweetness really is something I can't get used to.
I stood there frozen when suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and planted soft kisses on my forehead.
"What's bothering you Minari?" his stare could melt me.
"N-nothing. I just... I love you so much babe." I said whole heartedly as I cupped his face and kiss him on the lips.
I then felt his hands grab my waist tightly, pulling my body closer to him. Our kiss grew deeper and my breathing hitched as I become excited for him.
Then we heard the water boiled out of the pan, causing us to stop what we're doing.
He turned off the stove and laughed when he saw that the pasta was burnt on the sides.
"Babe it's okay, I can eat the side dishes in the fridge. Don't bother with that, you'll get tired." I smiled widely when he took out another set of pasta from the fridge.

February 2011

Jeongyeon's POV

I saw in the documents that Mina showed me earlier where Nayeon's apartment complex is located so I drove her there. I can see the confused look painted on her face.
"Love." I called out to her.
"H-hm?" she said.
"Hold on." I said as I parked the car on the side of the road since I saw a small convenience store. I got out of my car and ran into the store to buy some things.
After 5 minutes I got out of the store and got inside my car.
"What did you buy, love?" she asked and looked inside the bag.
"Nothing. Just some banana milk and jellies since it's my peace offering." I said and looked straight in her eyes.
How I love this woman sitting in my passenger seat and her being all happy with the small things I give her makes my heart melt.
I kinda envision her ridding shotgun always while our kids are in the backseat. I can't wait to do those with her in the future.

"Love.. Mina told me that she saw you at the Royal hotel." I started. She looked at me with worry in her eyes.
"She said she saw you and an ahjussi wearing a manager's uniform.. Mina was at the hotel since her family now owns the place and her father wanted to show her around since her father wants her to take over the hotel after she graduates..." I looked at Nayeon's expression and she's down and somewhat embarrassed since she told me that her family owns the hotel when I first met with her father.
"I always wondered why you wouldn't allow me to give you a ride home. You always insisted on taking the bus. So I now know that you live in this area. Finally I know where to drive you home. " I added.

"Oh... Then maybe now you know... That I am not who I pretended to be Jeongyeonssi...I-I don't know what got to me when we first met that I tried to pretend that I'm still a part of the society you live in. You all in the group looked so effortlessly rich while I tried to fit in. I'm... So sorry. " She said as she closed her eyes to stop her tears from falling.
"Love... It doesn't matter to me. When I take over the company someday, I'll have plenty enough to support you and 10 kids. I love you. I just want you to know that." I said and gently cupped her chin to move her face closer to mine. I planted her a kiss on her forehead, her cheeks now soaked with tears. I kissed her cheeks, her brows, her nose, her chin and lastly, her waiting lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck while sobbing slightly.
"You are allowed to be mad at me Jeongyeon-ah. I lied to you. But I'd be lying if I say that I'm not happy that you didn't get mad. To be honest... I was... Waiting for you to break up with me. I'm too happy to finally be free from all the things I keep from you. I love you so much." she said, her eyes are now sparkling after her tears washed them.
"I told you to never call me Jeongyeon again. And... I don't care about your family's wealth or my family's wealth. You are what's important. I love you." I said and I give her a quick peck on the lips again. She then hugged me tightly as if I was her lifeline and it made me smile.
No more lies.
But I still have to tell her about that marriage thing between me and Mina.
I'll just wait for the right time since I think all of the information today was too much for her to handle already.

I started the engine to finally, drive my girlfriend home.

Was plastered outside of the office in the 32nd floor of this building. Jeongyeon's mother, Yoo Cleo, went inside and closed the door behind her.
This building has 60 floors but her husband wanted his office to be at the center of everything and not at the top.
She saw her husband sitting on his desk and talking to someone on the phone so she waited until he finished.
When he was done, he looked at her and rested his chin on his clasped hands.
"Our son, Jeongyeon has a girlfriend. We have to get rid of her so that Jeongyeon won't get mad at us for asking him to marry Mina." she started.
"You know now that he's the only successor of everything we worked hard for since Sehun has forsaken us and lived in Seoul after we tried to separate him from that girl from a small restaurant." she added.
"What does the family of his girlfriend do? Jeongyeon's girlfriends are always from our circle, Cleo. So I guess he can marry whoever he dates and merge our business empires. But if you're worried, I can send someone over to check his girlfriend's background." Jeongyeon's father said in a monotonous voice.
"No need. Mina already sent someone to check her out and it turns out that girl pretended to be rich just so she can get close to Jeongyeon." Cleo replied as she handed out the folder to him containing Nayeon's personal information.
He opened the folder and give it a quick glance.
"Hm... So... She's the daughter of Mr. Im, the business tycoon from Seoul that got robbed by his best friend and wife. How unfortunate. I would've liked Nayeon to be my daughter in law if only they didn't went bankrupt." he said as he closed the folder and put it on his desk.
"Chang Hoo-ya, we have to marry Jeongyeon to Mina, imagine how our stocks would grow if we can have Japan sales as well." she said to her husband, who can only nod.
"I'll talk to Jeongyeon about this. We can send him to our American branch in California so he can be away from Nayeon and we will ask the Myoui's to send Mina there also so they can rely on each other and Jeongyeon can forget about that Nayeon." Her husband said in a dismissive tone.
Yoo Cleo can only sigh in relief.
No girl can ruin the business empire that this family is building throughout the world.

[Author's Note: Hello reader! I just want to take this chance to thank you for reading this book! I try my best to update this book as fast as I can, and as long as my mind can. I appreciate everyone reading and voting!
I just wish for more 2yeon content this Twice's Feel Special comeback. - S]

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