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Jeongyeon's POV

"I never thought I'd be capable of loving someone as much as I love you. I want to spend every night sleeping next to you and knowing I'll wake up the next day to your pretty face makes me want to look forward to another day I'll be spending with you. I want to have kids with you. A lot of them. I know I'm leaving but I can't wait to come back to you..." I looked at the girl who's looking at me with so much love in her eyes in return. We're at a beach and it's late in the afternoon, the sun is setting and I can feel my heart is about to rip open with so much emotions I can barely contain for the woman whose arms are wrapped loosely around my neck while my hand is on her hip and the other is cradling her face as tears start to make their way out of her eyes.

"Nayeon, I promise to marry you and make a family we can call our own together. I love you." a flash of scenes made me step on the brake of my car abruptly. I am driving and is on my way to the restaurant where Mina and her parents are waiting for me. The sound of a blaring honking behind me from a car snapped me out of my daze as I start to compose myself and drive a little more towards an area where I can pull over for a bit. I got out of my car to throw up on the side of the road. I'm feeling nauseous and my vision starts to blur when my phone rang. I got my phone in my coat's pocket and answered the call without looking who the caller is.

"He-hello?" I said, still breathless from vomiting. I harshly loose the tie around my neck because I'm suffocating.

"Babe? Where are you now? We're almost halfway through dinner."

"Hick- I'm- I'm almost there. In ten minutes..."

"Are you alright? You don't sound so good."

"I'm okay. I just pulled over for a bit because my head started throbbing but I'm alright. I'll drive there and be with you."

"Send me your location and I'll send my father's driver to get you. Don't drive when you're not feeling well. Don't be stubborn."

Before I can argue, Mina has dropped the call so I just stood there for a few seconds, drowning in my thoughts if whatever I saw in my head was a real memory I have of Nayeon or just a figment of my imagination.


"Sorry for being late Mr. And Mrs. Myoui." I said as I lean to give Mina's mother a kiss on the cheek and her father a firm handshake.

I then sat next to Mina who immediately kissed me on the lips before I can even take my seat.

I cleared my throat, feeling shy for my fiancee kissing me in front of her parents who are both smiling widely at our little moment.

"Have some water. I have your meds in my purse, you should have something to eat first before you can take it so you can feel better, okay?" Mina says as she runs her fingers through my hair with a look of worry in her eyes. I just nodded and started picking at the slices of steak she already prepared on my plate.

"So, Jeongyeon, I was wondering if the guest list for your wedding is official and can we still make a few adjustments?" Mr. Myoui starts.

"Do you want to add guests? If that's so, you can. I really don't mind."

"Ah yes, but we're inviting a few international investors for our company. From Germany and China. I wouldn't like to do an action without your knowledge since it's your wedding." Mr. Myoui explains.

"That's alright Mr. Myoui. Mina can decide for us too. You can always talk to her. We're together, it's not just me who's calling the shots here."

"Babe..." Mina grabs my arm "you're making me blush. I love you. I'm so happy I'm marrying you." And she gives me my favorite gummy smile of hers. I leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek because a happy Mina is so adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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