The Prince Of Korea

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February 2011

Nayeon's POV

It's the new year in Korea today.
I haven't seen Jeongyeon and he didn't even bother to contact me for a month.
Our last communication was when he told me he will celebrate the New Years in America with his parents. I miss him more today cos it's Seollal (New Year) in Korea.
(Note: Our New Years day is in January 1, while in Korea their Korean New Year generally occurs in January or February on the second new moon after the winter solstice , unless there is a intercalary eleventh or twelfth month in the lead-up to the New Year. In such a case, the New Year falls on the third new moon after the solstice. [4] Korean New Year typically falls on the same day as Chinese New Year.)

I grabbed my phone from my bag and reread our last conversation.

My Yoostrich love: January 1, 2011
My bunny I'm going to celebrate the western new year in America with my family. Enjoy your break. 😊

Me: January 1, 2011
When will u be back? I didn't know we'll be in a long distance relationship during break. 😞

My Yoostrich love: January 1, 2011
We celebrate everything in America since mom loves to be at our beach residence to celebrate things. What do you want me to buy for you there?

Me: January 1, 2011
Nothing. Just come back quickly. I love you. I miss you already. 😭😘

And that's the last time he ever replied to my text and calls.

I sighed as I walk towards the Park's braised spicy chicken and black pork restaurant where my friends from school are gathering together.

We've planned to get together this New year since it's been awhile that all of us hanged out.
I was carrying my hanbok in my arms alone since my father can't drive me to the place because he's stuck at work. All of the girls decided to wear our hanbok for Seollal.

"Bunny-ah!" a voice suddenly called out.
Damn it! I can't be thinking of you now Yoo Jeongyeon. I can't miss you now or else I'll be a party pooper if I looked sad at the party.
I am having hallucinations again.
"My bunny!!" I stopped. This voice sounds surreal this time.
"Yah! Im Nayeon! My Yeojachingu!" (Yeojachingu means Girlfriend) I then turned around to see which way the voice came from.
And just like that, he started to run towards me.
My tears then started to fall like crazy cos I missed this damned person.
"Why are you crying, love? Aren't you happy to see me?" he said as he hugged me. I pulled him tightly towards me, like I never want to let this guy go.
"Yah! Why didn't you call me or even text me huh? It's been a month! Did you get yourself another girlfriend in America huh?! " My voice then got louder. I was seriously upset with him.
"I wanted to surprise you love. And no, you're the only girlfriend for me, you're also the only wife in the future." he sweetly talked and kissed my forehead. "I want to kiss you so badly right now, but we have a party to attend." he said as he held my hand and took my hanbok from me while we both walked to the Park's Chicken restaurant.

The boisterous laughing from our friends can be heard as we entered the restaurant.
"Oh! It's 2yeon, Yeorobun!" shouted Momo since the crowd was too noisy that time.
Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu then looked at our direction and welcomed us with a hug except for Mina, she only hugged Jeongyeon.
Everyone then stared at each other because of how Mina acted.
"Okay! Since everyone is here we can now start to eat!" Jihyo said distracting everyone as she ordered their restaurant's staff to serve our food. Jihyo's family owns this restaurant.

"I'm so glad you're back Jeongyeon oppa. I'm sorry I have to cut our America trip short since my mom and I had to go to Paris. " I heard Mina said to Jeongyeon. It's funny cos Jeongyeon is seated between the two of us. How great.
"Yeah. It's a shame Minari, but we can always spend the next holidays together with our family next time." Jeongyeon said.
I was taken aback.
Jeongyeon never told me that he and Mina are together during the holidays.
What the fuck is going on?
Questions and Jealousy are running through my mind when a guy entered the restaurant.

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now