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Dahyun's POV

There's goes the love of my life... Hugging another person.
God why did I fell for her sweet talking when I knew damn well she's the campus flirt when we were in college.
I guess some people don't change, huh?
Yeah. The love of my life is a she.
My church might tie me on a stake and set me on fire if they know that I like a girl.
No, I love a girl.
I thought the feeling was mutual but here I am today, witnessing the girl I love flirt with another person that is not me.
I'm still unsure of my feelings since it's my first time to have feelings for the same gender, but I know what I felt is genuine.
I've dated boys, I loved all of the boys I've dated but none of them made me feel the way this shiba inu has.

I was standing by the cafés door and watching the two silhouettes hugging each other's body while seated at the outside tables. I also heard their small talk.
Out of all the people... It's my best friend.
I clenched my fists and went back to the VIP room reserved for our friends.
I'm so upset.
I asked for Momo eonnie's forgiveness for what I said earlier before I sulk.
I don't know what got into me that I started wrapping my arms around Momo's neck. She really felt so good this time.
Her scent is intoxicating.
Her warmth is radiating.
Our friends don't seem to mind us so I continued to cling onto her neck.

"Dahyunie, are you single?" she asked.

Am I?
All I have is a bed partner, right?
That doesn't count as a lover or anything.
Just plain sex partner.
"Uhm. Yeah. Of course." I said, then I smiled bitterly.

I suddenly felt a throbbing pain on my upper head. Something hit me hard.
Damn who the hell-
I turned around and see Sana eonnie standing next to where me and Momo was seated.
Nahh. I don't call her that in bed.
"Yah Dahyunie!" she said, hurt is clearly visible in her eyes. Her voice Somewhat threatening.
"W-why?! Why did you do that, eonnie?!" I said. My jealousy is  building inside my chest, I don't know what to do.
I then felt everyone's gaze went to the us since I raised my voice unknowingly.
"Momoring she in not single."  Sana said while clenching her fist.
"Huh?" I heard Momo muttered under her breath.

"She's with me Momoring. Dahyunie is my girlfriend. She's mine." Sana said as she's tugging at my shirt.



"No." I muttered with a stern face.
Wow. She has the guts to hug her fake cousin Tzuyu, my best friend and say this things with every close friends of ours present when I clearly saw and heard everything.
She lied. They both lied to me, to us. I can't accept that.
I can't accept games in my life anymore.

"Dahyunie?" Sana said softly, her voice slightly cracking.
"Don't call me that." I just said and drank some water since my lips are starting to dry.
"Dahyun eonnie, what's the problem?" Tzuyu, the person who's supposed to be my best friend said.
Well guess what, she's a traitor.
Fuck her.
Lying and taking away the person I love?

I scoffed.
"Alright, it's getting late eonnies, Hyung and Chaeyoung. I should go. I'll see you." I said and I stood up.

Sana's POV

As soon as I felt lighter in my chest after calling my father, I asked Tzuyu to get back to where everyone is staying.
I opened the door to the room and got instantly annoyed when I saw Dahyun hugging Momo in a sweet way.
Dahyun is clinging on Momo's neck and Momo is running her fingers on Dahyun's legs.
What the hell does she think she's doing?

Tzuyu noticed I pouted and she slowly rubbed my back to assure me she's with me.
Tzuyu is a trusted friend so she knows everything about me so I appreciate her actions.
We both headed to take our seats next to Dahyun and Momo when I heard Momo asked Dahyun about her relationship status and the Tofu had the guts to say she's single when we've been fucking and going on trips for a few months now?! Who in their right mind fucks someone in every corner of their house, wake up the next day and kiss each other's lips whispering sweet nothings, just to call herself single?!

Now I'm fuming mad.
I felt everyone is looking at us now but I don't care. Me and this tofu's relationship should now be out in the open.
She's my girlfriend.
She's mine.
That's all that I wanted to say.
And I'm shocked I said it out loud.

Dahyun then stood up and bid everyone goodbye.
I stood frozen until Jihyo said to follow Dahyun who's obviously is not in the right state.
As soon as we saw Dahyun got out of the room, I finally stop freezing in place. I told everyone I'll explain later and I bid them goodbye.
I'm running as I follow the walking tofu to her car.

"Dahyunie we need to talk!" I said as I grabbed her wrist, stopping her from opening the door of her car.
"I said stop calling me that and let me go, eonnie." she said, emphasizing the word "eonnie". Her eyes are screaming that she's mad at me.
But what did I do?
"No! You have to tell me what's going on Dahyun. What did I do to upset you baby? Please tell me." I said as I let go of her wrist and cupped her face with both of my hands.
She's looking down. She won't even look at me.

What the hell.

"Baby?" I said when it's been a solid minute that Dahyun wasn't looking at me but her feet.
When she looked up, I was shocked to see tears flowing from her eyes.
Gone is the Tofu who's a ball of sunshine everytime she smiles with her eyes.

"Let's stop seeing each other Sana eonnie. Let's just go back to you being my senior and me as your cousin's best friend. This... What ever it is we have between us... it's not going anywhere so might as well stop it this early. " She said coldly as she gathered herself from crying. She slowly move my hands that are cupping her face off her.
"What?" I said. I heard what she said the first time.

But why?

It hurts. My body can't even move a muscle. My heart is pounding like crazy because of the adrenaline. I wanted to fight with her. Why is she doing all of this all of a sudden. We were all good yesterday. She even prepared dinner for me and her parents. I even thought we were in the stage that our parents should know.

She then entered her car and her car sped off. leaving me in the parking lot stunned and brokenhearted from everything that she said.

[Author's Note: hello, I'm back. Haven't updated in days like I used to. I can't sleep today so I decided to just write whatever. I decided to finally add the SaiDaMo ship. So..yeah. Tell me what you think? ]

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