Together Before Christmas Break. [M]

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Nayeon's POV

We've finally arrived at Jeongyeon's place. Well actually we're now just passing by their estate's huge gate.
To say that I am shocked is an understatement.
From their gate I can see his house.
His house... Is like a big giant mall!
It's even bigger than our school.
I thought he and his parents were the only ones to live here but this place could fit around 500 people!
I knew he is rich but I didn't know that he was this kind of rich.
I suddenly felt a sudden rush of insecurity boiling inside of me.
We've driven past a maze garden and a huge venus fountain when he stopped the car in front of their main door.
We got out and three people welcomed us.
A young man came to take the car, probably to their garage.
A woman in her late 50s and a younger one wearing luxurious pieces of clothing approached us and bowed to us.
"Good afternoon young master and Madame." they said in unison.
"Good afternoon eomma, Mrs. Kim." Jeongyeon said to them.
"Hello." I said. Damn. This house is huge and everyone in it is frigging luxurious. I felt out of place wearing my school uniform.
"Don't call me eomma in front of your friend young master! She might think I'm Mrs. Yoo." the older lady said, now smiling at us.
Jeongyeon held my hand and smiled at me.
I felt at ease knowing that they're not as bad as they look.
"This is my girlfriend, Nayeon. Have you prepared our dinner, eomma?" he said.
"Ah. Welcome Agassi." they bowed to me again.
"Yes we've prepared all of your favorite food." she added.
We then entered their mansion.
Holy cow-
If the outside already looks expensive, the inside of their house is something that's taken straight out of a children's book. It's where a prince lives. This is a frigging castle!
Jeongyeon then ushered me to enter one of the most grandiose dining area I've ever seen. This looks like a luxurious restaurant setting with all of the drapes and elegant lights.
We sat down and three kitchen staff served our food.
Jeongyeon looked at me and said, "are you alright? Is this too much for you? Do you want me to ask our staff to give us some privacy?"
"No. It's alright. I'm just surprised at everything. You didn't tell me that you are richie rich!" I said, chuckling.
"No I'm not. My parents are rich, not me." he smiled.
We continued eating and after we've finished he asked me to watch the movie I told him I wanted to see.
Since it's a new movie, I thought we are going to go to a nearby cinema but we didn't.
His house has a cinema theater. Just by looking inside the theater, I think it can fit around 80-100 people.

Wow. Just wow.

Jeongyeon's POV

I sat there with Nayeon inside our home theater.
I asked one of our staff to bring us some popcorn and soda for a complete movie experience.
I've been feeding her popcorn while she's busy admiring the movie. And here I am, busy admiring her beauty.
The movie is nearing its end and the popcorn is already finished.
I decided to hold her hand since she looks cold.
She looked at me and smiled and turned her gaze back at the screen.
I was meaning to kiss her cheeks but then she faced me and my lips landed on hers.
I apologized but she grabbed my neck, kissing me hard.
As the credits roll we're just there kissing.
"Hey. You didn't get to see the ending. Do you want me ask Mr. Rogers to play the movie again?" I asked.
But she didn't budge. She just sat there, staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
She then proceeded to hug me.
"Hmm. Nothing. I love the way you smell." she said, gently planting kisses on my cheeks.
"He-Hey stop it. Don't make me do anything stupid." I chuckled.

"Let's do something stupid." she said, and she kissed me again.
Her lips are on fire and I can feel myself get hard down there.
My breathing started to get heavy and as I grabbed on to my last string of sanity, "Let me take you home." I said.
"Let me take you to bed." she replied.
And that's all it took for me to stand up and take her.
I led her out of our home theater and we got inside my room.
The minute I closed the door of my room I scooped her and kissed her hard. My lust is starting to take over my whole existence. God, she's so hot right now.
"I don't think we should do this yet bunny." I said to her, almost out of breath.
"God, you're a gentleman and all, but this is not the time, love. Just promise me you'll marry me. " she said smiling brightly at me.
Did she just proposed?
I smiled back and kissed her passionately.
"I promise."

We were standing there making out as I started to take off her jacket, then I unbuttoned her blouse to see her lacy black bra. She did the same to me too, she undressed me and took off my pants. I then pushed her gently to my bed until she lays there.
She started taking off her bra and panties.
Damn. What a nice view.
I get on top of her and removed some of her hair that's gotten on her face.
I then readied myself as I inserted my being into hers.
She moaned hard.
I can feel her warmth enveloping my raging being as I started to slowly thrust inside her.

Next morning.

I woke up as I felt a little cold.
I wriggled on my bed, getting inside my blankets when I felt a warm body lying next to me.
Ahh. Right. I thought it was dream.
I faced her only to see that she had her back turned to me.
I smiled and kissed her back, breathing in the smell of her hair. I wrapped my arms around her naked body and feel myself growing hard again.
She then stretched and turned to me to envelop me in her embrace.
How could someone be cute and sexy at the same time?
I gave her a peck on the lips.
"Yah. Yoo Jeongyeon. I haven't brushed my teeth yet." she said without opening her eyes. Her voice sounded hoarse from tiredness.
"Yah? After you've used my body all I get is Yah?" I chuckled when she opened her eyes to look at me.
"I love you. I'm just kidding." I said when she started glaring at me.
"Can you say that again?" she replied. Her lips forming a smile.
"I'm just kidding?" I said.
"Ah! Yoo Jeongyeon!" she grabbed my hair and pulled it gently as if she wants to beat the life out of me.
"I love you, my bunny." I said seriously, looking at her eyes.
She gave me the most happiest smile she's ever smiled ever since we started dating.
"Do you know it's the first time you've ever told me that?"she said.
"Yes. I Know." I said sheepishly.
"But why say that now?" she said while her brows furrow.
"Because I love you. That's it." I said as I pulled the blankets away from her revealing her milky while skin in the process.
She gasped because of embarrassment.
I laughed a hearty laugh and get on top of her again.

Love is timing (2yeon x JeongMi)Where stories live. Discover now