48-body war

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"Why, Bee?"

"It's the only thing I have left..." I simply answered.

I decided to clean the dishes, as I had gotten used to helping around the house during the time that Raven was gone. It was truly boring without having anything to do except read and watch TV.

I took the glass I had drank from and got up to go to the sink. Raven looked confused at first, but quickly, her expression changed to playfulness and I knew she was about to do something.

Right as I passed her, she grabbed my waist and pulled me into her lap making me squirm by fear of falling, but also dropping the glass.

"Raven!! Let me go, I'm gonna fall!" She muzzled her face in the crook of my neck while taking the glass from my hand and putting it on the table.

"Come on... let's have fun again." I could hear her smirking. If that's even possible... she moved her hands up my shirt, slowly touching my nipples. She kissed my neck softly, stopping once in a while to leave her mark on my most sensible spots.

"I- I don't know..." I was squirming under her touch, not because I didn't want it, this was sure turning me on. I think it was more because I was still scared of what she might do. I was scared that the flip would switch like it had many times before.

"Mm... are you sure?" She said excruciatingly close to my ear. I had noticed that my senses heighten every day since I was turned and I think the one that "felt" the best, was being able to hear Raven's voice this intensely.

It was dark and a bit musky. Just by hearing her voice, you knew she had power and she lets no one put her down. You knew that she could kill you in a matter of seconds. Her voice was scary, but god... it felt so good to hear her. The want she expressed for me, the need. I couldn't help but feel attracted to it, and for some reason, the darkness, too.

"Could we do it... later..?" I pushed every urges in me down. I wanted to test her. I wanted to see if she'll really respect me.

The moment I said that, she stopped moving her hands and stayed in silence. I felt my heart drop to my feet. Did I make her angry? Maybe I should've just said yes... I was really terrified, but I stayed still and waited for her response.

"Bee," she said softly, "calm down... I can hear your heart beat."

"I- I'm sorry... I don't want to..." I was panicking. I had trouble breathing and my vision was becoming blurry.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Look at me." She held my face making me look at her and smiled with compassionate eyes. I was tearing up, my lips were pouting slightly as I tried holding back my emotions. I was.. really.. tired of this.

"Bee, I wont do anything, okay? It's fine, come here." Raven wrapped her arms around me, bringing me to her chest.

She stroked my hair, while humming lowly, stopping to kiss the top of my head. After a couple minutes, I calmed down. I slid my arms around Raven's waist carefully and held on tighter to her, I really didn't want to let go.

I heard her chuckle softly, so I lifted my head to see why. She looked down at me and smiled.

"Do you want to cuddle while we watch TV" I didn't think she would've asked something like that... I don't even remember if we EVER cuddled like that...

I think she saw my excitement, because she didn't wait for my answer. She just gave me a sign to get up and go to the couch.

I got up and walked to the couch, trying to hide how "fluffy" I was feeling, but it was a hard task. Just the fact that Raven had asked me to cuddle with her, made me forget that moments ago, I was almost having a heart attack, because I was scared of her.

It seems, and I emphasize the word "seems", that she actually... respects me, now...

I laid down on the couch, waiting for her to come back and soon enough she did. She had brought some glasses of water, because apparently it helps a lot when you're turning. So I drank one completely and waited for Raven to come sit with me.

She took out a big, cozy blanket and draped it over me. She, then, came next to me and pull me onto her lap. I was sitting, my back against her while she held me close, laying her head on mine.

We switched the TV on and decided on a movie to watch.

We had been watching it for a while, when I felt Raven's hand go up and push my chin up carefully. I looked up at her, a little bit confused. She ignored my expression and just stared at my lips. She passed one of her thumbs on my lip and then pulled it down slightly.

Slowly, she got closer until her lips were on mine.

We started kissing, her tongue demanding entry. I let it happen and we synchronized our rhythms until it felt perfect. At one point, I turned around to face Raven, my legs straddling her lap.

She was cupping my ass as she was exploring every bit of my mouth. It felt so good, the feeling of her... loving me...

I really didn't know what to think. My mind was screaming at me to run away from her, another part of my brain knew that would never work, my heart wanted to love her and my pussy wanted her to fuck me... I mean, what do you do when your whole body is in a conflict?

I broke off the kiss and looked into Raven's deep golden red eyes. I didn't know what to think... I didn't know what was the right thing to do. And what if I did end up trusting her completely and she betrayed me again? It would break me even more than before...

"Can I-" I hesitated before talking , "can I talk to you about something..?"

"Yeah, anything." She gave me a reassuring look. I guess she really was trying to make me more comfortable.

"I- I dont know... if I should trust you..." I dropped my eyes to the ground, trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible.

"Yeah... I know. I could tell you that you can trust me, but we both know that wouldn't change a thing in your worries." She paused, narrowing her eyebrows, showing that she was trying to find what to say, "I really don't know how to reassure you... what I did before was awful and I don't think that anything I say right now will help you or make you trust me. God... I would never trust me if I was in your place... But I will never do that again, Bee. I'm telling you... I don't want to be like that anymore, I don't want to be how King showed me to be..." I lifted my head and she looked me in the eyes, "I... love you, Bee."

My body wasn't in a conflict anymore, it was in a whole fucking war.

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