56-in need of saving

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She played in my hair as she held my leg that I had stretched over her, and slowly, we both drifted into sleep.

We both woke up around eight in the morning. Our tired eyes locked together as I smiled softly. The sun was draping over us like a warm blanket as I took the time to appreciate the golden rays of Raven's eyes. They truly were beautiful.

"Good morning, love... appreciating the view?" Raven said smiling. She pushed herself up and straddled herself on top of me.

"Mm... kinda" I replied to her as she got down to my level and kissed me.

"I like that," she smirked and looked deeply into my eyes, "I must admit, I've been admiring my view for quite a bit..."

"Wait, what? For how long have you been awake?"

"Couple hours maybe... I don't really know, I was too concentrated looking at you sleeping with your mouth open." She said jokingly. That woman was really a pain in the ass sometimes.

"Ohh, come on... I don't sleep with my mouth open... right?" I really didn't know about that, but it would explain why my mouth was always so dry when I woke up.

"Huh, yeah you do." Raven laughed and got off of me. She got to her dresser and picked out an outfit.

"Where are you going?" I really didn't want Raven to go... Especially after all that had happened.

"Where are we going, you mean. And to that, the answer is Loki"

"Wait, already?" I knew Raven had talked about going there to make a plan, but I didn't think it would be so soon.

"Yeah, Polly and Amos are still there, and if they're going through what I was going through every day, we don't have much time before they get killed." She finished buttoning her blouse and threw me some clothes.

"And you don't mind if I come?" I started getting dressed up and looked at Raven with confusion bleeding from my eyes.

"No, not for the plan. Nothing is gonna happen there. Loki is by far, the one I trust the most and I think you'll be safer with me anyways." She approached me slowly and took me by the waist. "Besides, I missed you, you know?" She was looking down at me with a smirk painted over her lips. A definite sign that she was already horny.

"You have no idea how I would love to fuck you all day, though... how about we do that tomorrow?" Raven said, lifting my chin up so I would be looking at her, but I knew her goal was to read my expressions. She wanted to see me flustered and it worked. I could feel my face heating up already.

"I would like that, mistress," I knew she wasn't going to do anything right now, so I made sure to look at her in a very blissful way. I guess I liked messing with her, too.

"Fuck, Bee... don't look at me like that or I might just take you right here and now," Raven said with clenched teeth as her hand was creeping up to my neck. I lifted my head up, exposing the area she was about to grab just to anticipate her to do so. And she did.

She grabbed my neck tightly on the sides and looked at me with a sinister stare.

"You're so going to regret this tomorrow..." she exhaled roughly and loosened her grip, pushing me away lightly as she let go.

"Regret is a big word..." I smirked at her as she glanced at me, frustration written all over her face, before turning away and going downstairs.

I finished dressing up and joined Raven that was now talking with Bunny.

"You're already going??" Ana asked clearly not agreeing with her decision.

"Yeah, and I'm taking Bee with me. Last time, they weren't afraid to use drastic mesures to take her, so I won't take the chance of leaving her here again... who knows, maybe they'll come back for her in an attempt to lure me in." She did make a good point.

"But she's turning Raven... don't you remember how painful and hard it was?" Honestly, I don't know why they kept talking about how much it hurt, because except the headache I had, nothing else had hurt me.

Raven analyzed me quickly and looked back at Ana, "she seems fine..." she glanced at me and we locked eyes, "are you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am," Anastasia gave me a worried look, proving she didn't quite believe my words. "I really am Bunny... I don't feel hurt at all." Both of them looked at me quickly and exchanged a look of confusion.

"You don't feel pain at all?" Raven questioned me.

"No... only the headache the first day..." my pace was slow and unsure. Both of them looked completely dazzled over the fact that nothing hurt, It felt like something was wrong with me.

"That's really weird... I'll talk about it to Loki, maybe he'll know something." Raven shrugged it off as she took a leather jacket that was hanging from a hook and put it on.

"Is something wrong?" To be honest, I was kind of worried, and I still knew nothing about vampires or being one.

"It's just... unusual, but nothing is wrong with you, don't worry." Raven said as she gave me a reassuring look. Ana though, looked at Raven as if she was angry with her, like she had lied, but I decided it would be best if I just stopped thinking about it. It's not like I could do anything about it right now anyway.

"Okay, so we'll be going. We'll see you for supper?" Raven asked Anastasia.

"Yeah, I won't be leaving the house so if I'm not here when you come back, something's wrong, okay?" She smiled and opened the door for us, "oh and be careful..."

"Don't worry, we will be." Raven took the keys as we got out of the house and headed for the car.

"Does Loki live far away?" I asked Raven.

"He lives on the west coast, so maybe two hours away or something like that... why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just curious..." the west coast? I lived close to that, so there are some good chances we'll pass through my hometown... what a nightmare.

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