4-Maybe there's more to it?

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I looked at her still crying from before and she apologized...

"look I'm sorry, I know it wasn't your choice to be here and I know it's hard on you but it's gonna be fine, I just need you to behave."

"You want me to behave? I was sold to become a slave without my consent and you expect me to behave?"

"I know it may sound silly but-"

"silly? No, it sounds horrible. I've just been whipped, because I said that I didn't want to get rapped. I don't know if you realize that..." I said letting go of my anger.

"I know, but I own you now and you have to do what I want you to do or else..."

"or else you're gonna beat me? You're gonna have me rapped again?"

"Hey, you asked for more. Now stop talking to me like that or you're gonna get hurt more," Raven said, shrugging it off.

I turned my back to her, so I couldn't see her face, but deep down, I still wanted to see her. I had never thought I could like girls, I always believed I was straight, so why am I feeling this way right now? I had just met her in a terrible way and deep down,  I already thought I could trust her. Why did I expect that much of her? Why did I even think I could possibly love someone who just did all of this to me? Maybe she's right. Maybe I did ask for it. Maybe I'm more fucked up than I thought I was.

I felt her arms move around my waist, hugging me from behind. She buried her head into my back and let out a sigh. I wondered what made her this way, what made her want to hurt and own people... maybe it was just, because she was a vampire, maybe it's in her instincts, but I don't know.

My thoughts were cut off by her voice saying:

" you're wondering why I'm like this aren't you?... I know I may seem to be a monster to your eyes, but know that I've been through a lot, too, okay? This will be all worth it, you'll see..."

What did she mean? It will all be worth it. What could possibly be worth this torture and hell-like life? She did pay 2 millions for me, so I guess she has some sort of plan... at least I wish she has a good one.

I woke up, still in Raven's arms. They were no windows down here, so I couldn't say what time it was.

"You're awake." Raven said.

"Yeah, but don't worry I just woke up."

"I didn't worry" she simply said.

For some reason it hurt me, I thought she might've.. cared?

"Do you want to eat?"

"are you gonna eat me after?" She laughed and said no. She got up and before opening the door she turned to me and had a weird look on her face, like she was gonna regret something.

"Do you wanna come upstairs?"

I was shocked. I replied by a nod and she slowly went to the wall we're my collar was chained.

"Look, you can come, but don't try anything, if you do, you won't come out anymore. Also I'm gonna keep a hold of the chain so you don't go anywhere." She explained as I was trying not to bounce to much from the excitement.

I was going to see the sun. I know I haven't been here for long, but it still felt like an eternity...

We walked upstairs and I saw the living room first and then the kitchen. It was arranged so the stairs came up in the middle, the kitchen was at the right.

She kept hold of the chain while I was looking outside, making sure not to touch the window. Maybe this wasn't going to be that bad, at least I was hoping so.

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