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I was tired. So fucking tired...

I laid there for a couple hours, crying at times while I still could feel the dried tears still stained on my cheeks. I didn't even know why I felt like I needed Raven to survive. Why would someone needs such a monster, but I still felt like I needed her. Somehow my brain still convinced itself that life was better with her in it.

Every moment without her felt like something was missing. I had never felt like this before, but ever since I had met her, we weren't separated for that much so I didn't know.

My thoughts were interrupted by a barging sound. The door busted open, with 4 men entering the house. I jumped to my feet and started running upstairs, but of course they're all vampires. They got to me quickly and grabbed me by the hair.

"AAH, LET ME GO!" I screamed at them. The man holding my hair grabbed it tighter so I stop screaming. I hear Ana coming down stairs, she starts attacking one man, but quickly two others attack her back and gets her pinned down.

"LET HER GO!" She screams at them, trashing at an incredible force on the ground.

At this point, I'm crying. I dont make a sound, but tears are running down my face. I know what this means, they want me too now. Probably to torture Raven more. But at that moment, all that came troughs my mind wasn't how happy I would be to see Raven again like I thought I would. It was that I was tired. I was tired of hurting. I just wanted Raven to come back, I didn't want me to go to her.

"Oh sweetie, I cant do that... I'm getting way to much payed for this, wouldn't want it to go all through the window now, do you?" He points her gun at her.

"NO! STOP, PLEASE!" I scream from the top of my lungs, but they don't listen. They shoot. I see the fear in Ana eyes and it hit her right in her chest.

I scream and cry from the top of my lungs. Trashing around in the man's arms, but it didn't seem to affect him at all. I cried about Ana's death. I cried about the future that was coming for me. I cried because I had no power in my own life.

Anastasia's body laid on the floor as the four men took me to a car parked in the driveway. We drove for hours and every minute that passed in that car was me getting further away from the only place I felt safe.

At one point I stopped crying. I looked out the window completely drained of all my hopes and my fears. I felt like nothing could hurt me anymore. This felt like rock bottom.

I couldn't tell what time it took for us to arrive and I  didn't care. For all I had known, I wasn't getting out of there anyways. So why care about when I would die if I wouldn't be there to stress over it after? I would be free for once. I would be in control.

"Come here princess..." said the perverted man sitting next to me. He grabbed me and took me out of the car, leading me into a huge warehouse. At least that's what it looked like. I could hear screams from everywhere, but I was to numb to even react.

I looked down at the floor, not even bothering to look around me to see what was happening. Soon enough, I was sat in a chair in front of an overweight man.

"Hello, Bee... as you might know, I have your beloved Raven with me-"

"And why would I care?" I said looking up to him with drained eyes. It's true, I didn't felt like I cared for the first time. And maybe if I convinced them that I wouldn't do shit to help them or whatever, they would let me alone.

"Well, it's not really up to you.." he answered.

"Of course it isn't.  It never is." I started sassing back to him.

"Hmm," he laughed, understanding where this was coming from, "I don't see why I would introduce myself... you won't survive for long either way... so anyways, it was lovely to meet you, Goodbye," he smiled creepily at me while he told the man behind him to grab me.

He got up from his chair and followed us into a hallway until we reached a door that didn't seem to have any sound coming from it.

The larger man stepped in front of us and knocked on the door.

"I have a surprise for you..." I could hear evil behind his tone and that was not a good sign.

He gives a hand sign, the door gets opened and I get thrown in. I have a small moment before I get to my feet and realize my knees are bleeding.

"Bee?" A small voice comes from the corner of the room.

"Raven?" I answer back unsure, but as soon as I say her name, my first reflex is to flinch, but nothing.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no...NO. Why did he do this..." Raven starts crying.

This wasn't good. I had never seen Raven- well I wasn't really able to see her since the room was way to dark, but I had never heard her cry.

"Bee, you need to get out." She says sternly back at me, completely stopping herself from crying.

"B-but how?" I ask her, terrified of her reaction. She wasn't stable right now and I knew that.

"SHIT!" She screams.

I flinched so hard I fell back onto the ground. Raven rushes toward, but at a human speed. She take my face in her palm and in that moment I can see her face because of the small light coming from the hallway.

Her face, she was even paler if that was even possible. Her lip was busted, she had a black eye and her brow was open.

"Shhh- I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Bee." She says starting to stroke my hair out my face. She starts crying again, but more calmly this time.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as concerned for her life as much as mine.

"Yea- I mean no. Bee I'm sorry for what I'm about to do, okay?" She pauses to keep herself from sobbing, "I'm so, so sorry..." she whispers. She kissed my lips, the feeling I was longing for so long. Her tears mixed into our saliva as we kissed deeply for the first time in months.

She broke the kiss, "sorry," she whispered even softer than before and bit into my neck. I felt like she was draining me of my blood, like I wouldn't have any left after this. I felt like meat. I grabbed onto her, gasping in search of some freedom, but it didn't take long before I passed out.

Unless that's what I think it was... passing out, but it easily could've been something else...

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