ch1. pt3

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Eva's POV: I woke up all cuddled with anna which seemed weird at first but then it kinda felt nice. it was warmer than it's ever been in my room which was the best. suddenly i caught myself starring and smiling at her sleeping. she's so sweet. that's anna. my BESTFRIEND. that's all. but she is pretty cute. i got up and went to brush my teeth. when i got out anna was slowly waking up.

Me: good morning beb (i said while laughing)
Anna: good morning bub, sorry for falling asleep here i was too tired to go back to my room
Me: no it's ok, how'd you sleep?
Anna: well you don't kick, soo pretty good (she said while laughing) hby?
Me: (laughs and smiles) good too

I went downstairs and on the way i said good morning to the girls. I went to the kitchen to find some breakfast but didn't find anything good so i went back upstairs and asked anna if she wanted to go get something to eat.

Me: hey anna wanna go get something to eat?
Anna: yeah sure, should we ask the girls?

When she asked that i really just wanted it to be the two of us but i didn't want to seem weird about it.
Me: I mean we can if you want
Anna: nah, they can miss out on some things (laughs)

I was so relieved when she said that.
Me: you're right (chuckles)

We sneaked out to into the car without letting the girls know a thing. Anna drove to a new restaurant called "The Hangout" it has all kinds of food: vegan, healthy, junkie, desserts and others, there was tables outside where you could eat so we sat and ate there and talked for a while.

Anna: whoa this weather feels good
Me: i know, it feels different
Anna: heck yeah we def gotta get out the house more (laughs)
Me: right (laughs)

It got silent after but anna broke the silence which thank god she did it was getting a little awkward.

Anna: the food is bomb
Me: rightt, i've never even noticed this place. how'd you find it?
Anna: well i was kinda going to already ask you if you wanted to go eat and so i remembered i drove past it once and wanted to check it out and so here we are
Me: awe sweet (chuckles then smiles)

What is going on, she's making me smile more than i've ever had. she's so sweet and fucking cute. I decided to take a picture of us and was going to post it on my insta story saying "date😋" because it was a really good morning that i wanted to keep as a memory. but then changed my mind because i didn't want any of the girls to see it.

Anna's POV: this was the most amazing time i've had with eva. i really thought the whole thing about me liking her was gone but how can it? she's amazing.

Me: we gotta do this more often
Eva: do what?
Me: spend more time together yk?
Eva: def but what if the girls ask us about it?
Me: okay then how about this. every friday morning or night we come here and enjoy the view?
Eva: i'm down! (i smiled and so does she)

(we are getting there! let me know how y'all feel about the story so far! there will be a lot more added so please be patient to see how these two will fall in love💘)

Evanna ("In Love with my Best Friend")Where stories live. Discover now