ch.4 pt4

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Anna's POV: right now it's 5:30pm and i'm getting ready to take mrs.cudmore and eva out to dinner. i took a shower, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth,and got dressed. eva and her mom were both in eva's room. i texted eva to see if they were ready and she said almost. so i went downstairs and waited for them to come down. after 5 minutes they finally came

me: wow you two are beautiful!
e/mom: back to you baby (winks)
eva: okay you two, enough flirting.
me: (chuckles) babe you're gorgeous, like mother like daughter they say (winks and smiles)
e/mom: okay eva i might have to steal this one from you
eva: OKAY lets go

we laughed and went out to my car, i opened the door for both of them and i went to the driver's seat. we finally arrived at a fancy restaurant and i got out the car and rushed over to open the door for them. i held out my arms and they both wrapped their arms around mine on each side and we walked in. they sat us down at a table, eva sat beside me and her mom across. the waiter then came up

w: hello, hope y'all are having a nice day, can i start you off with a drink?
me: thank you, and yes can we please have a bottle of your finest wine?
w: coming right up
e/mom: wow anna, you know your stuff(smiles)
me: of course (chuckles)
e/mom: so tell me, how did you too happen?
eva: well funny story, we both had feelings for each other but never knew until anna confessed them, that was a beautiful night
me: sure was beb (kisses her on the cheek)
e/mom: well i'm glad you two are happy. y'all are the cutest
me/eva: thank you

the waiter then came back with the wine. and when i tell you it was amazing. he then asked us if we were ready to order and we all ordered our food. he got our food and we ate and talked for an hour until we were finished. the waiter came back with our check. eva's mom looked at it and her eyes widen

e/mom: two hundred and 50 dollars?!?
me: i got it
eva: noo anna, that's a lot. i'll pay
me: nope. i invited y'all to dinner, this is on me i promise
e/mom: at least let us help out

i put my card on the check and hand it to the waiter

me: sorry already done
e/mom&eva: anna..

the waiter comes back and give me back my card

me: let's go (smiles)

we head back to my car and i open the door for them and we head back to the house. once we got in we saw the girls and guys at on the couch

christian: sup guys
emma: how was y'all's dinner?
e/mom: amazing except anna wouldn't let me pay
dev: oh she never lets anyone pay, she think she rich rich
me: nooo i'll just do anything for the people i care about
sab: awe
dev: gross
e/mom: but thank you anna for the wonderful dinner, im a little tired so i'll leave y'all to it (kisses mine and eva's cheek and goes upstairs to eva's room to rest)

eva whispered to my ear

eva: i love you (smiles)

i turned to her, smiled, then passionately kissed her

dev: ugh can y'all please leave again
me: fuck you
dev: do it then(smirks)

we all laughed

zack: y'all wanna watch a movie?
all: yesss

zack puts on a movie and we all got comfortable in the same spots we were last night. everyone fell asleep after an hour and i was the only one up. i turned the movie off and looked at eva peacefully sleeping. i smiled and placed a soft kiss on her lips then cuddled with her and slowly fell asleep

(sooo i wrote this half asleep and just noticed it was all in anna's pov... that's my bad. but i hope you guys like the story. if any suggestions to make this more entertaining please be free to tell me. hope you guys have a wonderful day!🤍)

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