Chapter 6

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(off topic but this pic so cute😭)
sab: so what y'all wanna do today?
emma: ou let's go to the beach
dev: yessss
eva: i'm down
me: let's do it


Eva's POV: we all went up to our rooms to put bathing suits on. i'm having a hard time choosing something. as i was going through bathing suit options, i just kept thinking of what COULD'VE happened this morning but ofc someone had to interrupt. oh well it was still pretty good. i got out of my thoughts and finally found this blue striped bathing suit. as i put it on someone came in

anna: Whoa, ur hot
me: does it look good?
anna: good wasn't even what i was going for, it looks SEXY, but put some clothes over it. i don't want people looking at you
me: you've seen my body, and only you would be able to
anna: can i see it now?
me: obviously

she comes up to me and pulls up my top

anna: oh yeah, this is all mine
me: let's see if you actually own it

she started massaging my breasts and kisses my neck. i let out soft moans. she then rubbed her hands all over my body down to my bottom and squats down to start taking it off slowly and massaging my clit.

me: ugh anna, stop teasing.

she inserted one finger in and my moan go louder

dev: okay we're re- AH WHAT THE FUCK

i quickly stood behind anna as she was also covering me

anna: oh shit dev
dev: EVAA your body is HAWTT
anna: get outtt
dev: okay okay but i'm not lying (she says while leaving)
eva: well. now she's seen my body too
anna: HEY but i'm the only one that gets to touch it right?
eva: mhm, unless they touch that too
anna: yeahh we can't keep promises

we both chuckled and i placed a soft kiss on her lips then put my bathing suit and clothes on

me: ready to go?
anna: yep

we went out to the car where the girls were waiting. sab was driving, emma in the passenger, and dev in the back with us. she kept looking at me and anna w a smirk. god i hate her. we finally arrived at the beach

Anna's POV: we arrived at the beach. it's pretty good weather to tan but water sounds good rn. everyone got out and we all picked a good place to set our stuff

sab: alright so ima tan, who joining me?
emma: i need it
dev: i'm eating first
me:( whispers to eva) you wanna go in the water or tan?
eva: (whispers back) let's go in the water first
me: well me and eva are gonna get in the water
emma: oh lord
dev: we all know how that'll end
eva: fuck y'all

i grabbed eva's hand and walked to the water, i touched the water with my foot and whoa it felt nice

me: the water is perfect
eva: oh really?

she put her hands in the water holding a lot of it and threw it at me

me: ohhh you wanna play, let's play

i got water and threw it at her

eva: ohhh you're gonna pay

we both started throwing water at each other until i picked her up and threw her in

eva: you bitch
me: haha what you gonna do abt it?
eva: you're not touching my body for a month
me: win

i ran into the water putting my whole body under

eva: (chuckles) yeahh now you know what's up
me: oh shut up

i kissed her and the kiss went on for a few secs until she broke the kiss

eva: i love you (smiles)

i rubbed her cheek and kissed her again

me: i love you more (smiles)
eva: nope i do
me: nooo
eva: yess
me: oh really?
eva: ye-

i grabbed her waist and put her under the water

eva: two months (says while wiping off water from her face)
me: (laughs and kisses her cheek)

we were in the water for about 15 more mins then decided to get out and go for a walk on the sand, we held hands as we talked and walked until it got serious for a moment

eva: so when are we having kids?

i stopped and looked at her with a shocked face

me: wait you really want kids? (smiles)
eva: of course, they're annoying but adorable, do you want kids?
me: yess i love kids
eva: okay then it's settled, we're having kids

god when she said that i got butterflies. i know it's early for it bc we're almost just about to hit 2 months together but that just made me happy. imagine, our own little family. god i can't wait. we continued walking until someone tapped on my shoulder

? : hello love

their voices sounded so familiar. i turned around and... you've gotta be fucking kidding me.

(oop, who do you guys think? it's pretty obvious but we'll see🤫(this was also rushed) hope you guys have a great day!🤍)

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