Chapter 12

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i got comfortable on her, closed my eyes, and fell asleep


Eva's POV: it was now (5:15pm) and anna was still asleep. i rubbed her head and tried waking her in whispers

me: bubs
me: hey bubs, i'm gonna go ahead and get ready
anna: hm?
me: ima gonna pick out a hoodie and sweats for you if you want that
anna: mhm
me: okay

i kissed her head and slightly moved her. i got up and went into her room to get her some clothes. i got her a hoodie and sweats, went back into my room and laid them beside her

me: here bub

she opened her eyes a little and grabbed her clothes. she started getting up and i kissed her

me: c'mon love

she got up and took her current clothes off and changed. i went into my closet and grabbed a crop top and some pants. i changed then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and so did she. i then put some makeup on, i went for a casual look, nothing crazy. i straightened my hair and anna did too. she went to her room to grab some shoes and came back. i put my shoes on and finished with whatever left i had to do. it was now (6:00pm) and we laid back down until katie arrived


i got a text from katie saying she was here

me: hey bub she's here
anna: about time

we went downstairs and left the house seeing katie parked outside. she rolled down the window and said

katie: get in fuckers

i flipped her off. anna got in the backseat but i didn't want to leave her back there so i went in the back too

katie: bitches, at least don't fuck back there
eva: no promises
katie: oh lord

she drove us to the cinema, it took about 30 mins but we got there. she let us off in the entrance and went to go park. she then rushed back and we went in

Anna's POV: we went in the cinema and right then katie spoke up

katie: alright so i haven't decided on a movie, i thought we could all agree on one
eva: i'll watch whatever y'all want to watch

me and katie looked at all the movie. we got to one and looked at each other with a smirk we then looked at eva and said

me/katie: CONJURING

we bought the tickets and went to go sit on the very top. it was me, eva, and then katie

eva: oh shit, hold up lemme go buy some popcorn real quick

she rushed out and went to go get popcorn. me and katie watched as she left

katie: you think she's gonna get scared?
me: i don't know, i mean she watches a lot of scary type of anime
katie: yo ass would get scared
me: fuck off, you would too

eva then came back with the popcorn and drink

eva: okay i got two popcorn bags, one for me and anna and you get your own katie
katie: hell yeah
eva: i also got us some sprite for me and anna and i didn't know what you liked katie so i got you the same thing
katie: no alcohol?
eva: no tf
katie: it's fine i'll drink ya nasty sprite
eva: (chuckles) it's good fucker

the movie then begun.

eva then wrapped her hand around my arm and snuggled close to me. i think she's scared but it felt good. i smiled to myself. after about 30 mins a jumpscare came at us

katie: SHIT-

me and katie jumped and eva stayed put. what the hell? she didn't even flinch. the movie got intense

me: HOLY-
eva: (chuckles)

bruhh how is she not getting scared. i'm literally having heart attacks by this and it's not even bad. we were about an hour in the movie and so far most of the jumpscares got me and katie. eva just stays looking at the screen. this is embarrassing, i should be the one who's brave. i tried staying still and looking straight at the screen

me: OH MY-
katie: MOTHERF-
eva: (laughs)

the movie then ended. katie and i stood up and eva followed behind us. we thought it was over but then a recording started coming up

katie: FUCK THIS

me and katie started pushing each other and ran out. i could hear eva laughing at us but i didn't care i just had to get out. it hurt my wound a little. we got ran out of breath and waiting for eva outside the door

eva: (laughs) y'all can't handle scary shit
katie: (heavy breathing) how the- how the hell did you not get scared
me: (heavy breathing) yeah beb- how the fuck?
eva: i don't know but y'all suck
me: that was horrible
katie: good movie tho
me: yeah

we got out the cinema and it was now (8:20pm).
we got to the car and katie spoke up

katie: that was good asf
me: hell yeah
eva: oh please y'all barely saw anything
katie: we were talking about the popcorn
me: yeah eva
eva: mhm sure (chuckles)
katie: well ima go ahead and take y'all lovers home
eva: okay thanks

she drove us home and we got out. eva started heading to the door before katie left i tapped on the window for her to roll it down

katie: what's up
me: hey i just wanted to thank you, for everything. today was fun and i'm glad we're all friends
katie: i said i wouldn't get in between y'all anymore, and i'll keep my word. she's a cool girl, don't fuck it up anymore
me: i won't (smiles and starts heading inside)

me and eva went up to my room and started changing into some comfortable clothes

eva: she's cool, i like her
me: (chuckles) that's funny
eva: what is?
me: we were just talking abt you being cool
eva: oh i know i am
me: don't get carried away
eva: (chuckles)

we laid on my bed and cuddled up. we kissed and got ready for bed. after about 5 mins we both fell asleep.

(not sure if i wanna end this story soon or add a couple more chapters, lmk what y'all think! thank you all for the support and love on this story! hope y'all have an amazing day❤️)

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