ch.6 pt2

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we continued walking until someone tapped on my shoulder

? : hello love

their voices sounded so familiar. i turned around and... you've gotta be fucking kidding me.
Eva's POV: so me and anna were casually just walking until someone tapped on her shoulder. once we turned around, my anger had just raised

anna: what now
ag: look i know you hate me, but can't we just forget abt the past and become friends?
anna: fuck no. i'm finally happy and i don't need you to ruin it again.

i saw anna's hand turn into a fist so i tried to calm her down by holding her hand, she then calmed

anna: and you're not here to become friends so what do you really want ag
ag: (chuckles) .. i wanna fuck you (smirks

hell had been raised. i let go of anna's hand and turned my hand into a fist. next thing i know i had just punched tf outta ag causing her to fall.


she quickly got up and got in my face. i could sense her anger. she looked at me in the eyes and looked at anna then looked back at me. she started to turn around and left. i noticed everyone was looking and felt embarrassed for a moment but then they all started clapping and cheering. i started to feel more confident

anna: whoa. that was hot
me: yeah we'll get used to it bc everytime someone hits on you, ima beat their ass
anna: this. this is why i love you
me: (smiles and kisses her)

we started walking back to the girls and saw them all still tanning

emma: damn where were y'all?
dev: i thought y'all drowned somewhere
me: and if we were, you weren't gonna help us?
dev: mmm no
me: (flips her off)
anna: y'all would not believe what just happened
dev/sab/emma: what?
anna: guess who just punched tf outta ag
emma: ew she was here? but who?
sab: ouu tell me
dev: spill the shit bitch
anna: this queen right here

she kisses my cheek and i could tell everyone was shocked by how wide their eyes got

dev: you lying
sab: that explains why your hand's fucked up
me: huh?

i looked at my hand and it was just purple with some small cuts on my knuckles

anna: whoa beb i didn't even notice. does it hurt?
me: a little now that i seen it
anna: can you move it?
me: barely but i'm okay
anna: let's go home, y'all coming or staying?
sab: we're gonna stay for a little longer
anna: okay, we're taking the car so y'all get y'all selves an uber
dev: this bitch-

Anna's POV: me and eva went to the car, i opened the door for her in the passengers seat and rushed back to the driver's side. as i was driving home she had her left hand (the injured one) on the arm rest and i felt bad just looking at it so i softly rubbed it and held it, she smiled and i smiled back. once we got home i opened the door for her and we went upstairs to my room

me: lay on my bed, lemme get so bandages for your hand

she laidback on my bed and i went to grab some bandages. when i came back i started off with some band-aids for her cuts then got a bandage wrap and wrapped it around her fingers, i quickly went downstairs to get an ice pack and rushed upstairs to put it on her hand

eva: since when did you become such a doctor?
me: i learned it from my momma (chuckles)
eva: (chuckles and smiles)
me: listen eva, i'm sorry ag ruined the day and that you got hurt
eva: it's fine, i still had fun. it was even more fun once i punched her
me: that was pretty hot (laughs)
eva: thank you thank you

i started to rub on her stomach and saw her blush a little

eva: why you gotta do this to me while i can't move my hand?
me: haha i like teasing you
eva: rude
me: want me to put on anime?
eva: awe you wanna watch anime w me?
me: i never said i was going to watch it, i just asked if you want me to put it on. FOR YOU (chuckles)
eva: fine (rolls eyes)

i put on anime and cuddled up w eva. i watched a little with her bc i had nothing else to do. after 35 mins, i looked at her for a moment and noticed she fell asleep. she's adorable when she sleeps. i turned off the tv and got comfortable. i kissed her cheek and shoulder and fell asleep

(STOP. i just noticed, i'm the one not letting them fuck🥲 maybe soon tho ;) anyways hope you guys are having a great day! i love you🤍)

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