ch.9 pt2

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Anna's POV: i feel sick right now. i haven't stopped crying since eva left. i'm so stupid. she's never gonna forgive me now. i've tried calling and texting so many times and no response. fuck this. i put my shoes on. got my keys. and rushed downstairs. as i opened the door, the girls were right there. i rushed through them

emma: whoa where you going
sab: are you okay?

i didn't answer and got into my car, dev knocked on the window

dev: hey, where are you going? what's wrong? anna talk to me-

i drove off. i kept trying to call eva but she still didn't answer. after a few calls, i decided to leave a voice message:

"Eva. please answer. i know i fucked up. i know that whatever i say isn't gonna make it better but eva i love you. i'm in love with you. i never thought about hurting you. i never wanted to. you're all i need. so please just let me know you're okay. please."

FUCKKK. how could i've fucked up this bad. i drove around to see if i could find her anywhere. she was nowhere to be found. i tried calling her friends, family. no one answered. god damn it anna. it was around 8:30pm, i drove to the nearest bar. i don't know what the fuck to do anymore. i went in and sat at the bar and ordered a beer. the bartender brought it and i drank it all under 2 mins. i ordered another one. and more after that. i got around 6 more then decided to get bigger. i got a mug of cold iced vodka with a lemon on the side. after that one i was completed out of control. i was trying to get up and leave u til some old dude got in my way. it really pissed me off

me: get the fuck out of my way
john: who the hell you talking to (A/N: we just gon call him like that)

i pushed him and he pushed back. i then tried to punch him but i was so tipsy and weak he dodged it and tackled me. next thing i know the whole bar came and tried to get him off. he didn't get nothing but one punch on me which was on my eye. once they finally got him off, security came and took me out. i stumbled to my car and drove off. i barely made it home. i went inside and stumbled upstairs to my room. i locked my door and laid on my bed, i looked over

me: beb guess what?

that's when i remembered, i lost the most important person in my life. i checked my phone for any response but still nothing. i threw my phone with all the anger i had in me. i started crying again. and within 10 mins, i had fallen into a deep sleep.

(sorry i didn't update yesterday, i was out with friends but hope y'all had a great day! ps this was rushed hehe❤️)

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