Ch.11 pt4

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Anna's POV: i started waking up and finding myself in eva's room, but she wasn't there. i sat up and rubbed my eyes to fully wake. the door then opened

eva: morning bubs (excitedly says) i brought you breakfast

she came towards me with a large plate and different things on it

me: yoo this looks so good beb thank you (kisses her)
eva: of course (smiles)

i picked up some fruit and ate it

me: have you ate already?
eva: no i'm about to go make myself something
me: what? no, c'mon we can share. we can watch some anime if you want
eva: say less

she laid beside me and kissed my cheek. i turned on some anime and we watched as we ate. after we finished i got up slowly since i'm still healing and grabbed the tray and headed towards the door

eva: where are you going?
me: ima go wash everything
eva: let me do it, c'mon sit
me: no beb i need to at least try to walk
eva: okay but let me help you on the stairs
me: eva, beb. i got this
eva: fine (rolls eyes)
me: (smiles and blows a kiss)

i went out and got to the stairs. it's a long way to go but i took a deep breath and went for it. i grabbed on the handle and went down one by one. i feel i'm getting a little better but it still hurts. i finally made it down and walked to the kitchen. as i was washing the dishes i felt arms around my waist and a kiss on my back shoulder. i turned my head and saw eva

me: eva.. what are you doing
eva: nothing just hugging you
me: you came to try to help huh?
eva: nooo
me: mhm

i finished washing and dried my hands. i turned around without breaking the hug and lifted her chin

me: im fine beb, really
eva: i know but.. i just want to make sure
me: i made it down the stairs didn't i?
eva: yeah but-

i kissed her before she could finish

me: i'm okay (smiles)

i kissed her again and we continued. this girl. she still gives me butterflies since the first time we met. so sweet and beautiful. she pulled my shirt which also pulled me closer to her. the kiss then got aggressive. i started kissing her neck and she let out soft moans. but then..

sab: can y'all not?
emma: bruh get a room
dev: y'all disgust me.

i laughed a little while still kissing her neck. i then decided to mess with them and picked eva up and sat her on the counter. she had a sports bra on and so i kissed on top of her breast

emma: oh my god
dev: i feel like im watching porn. AND NOT THE GOOD KIND.
sab: you know what i'll just find some snacks in my room..
me: (laughs) okay okay we'll leave

i got eva down and grabbed her hand and headed upstairs

eva: don't knock on the door (chuckles)
sab: gross
dev: where the hell is mr.clean? we gotta wipe these counters

i laughed and we went upstairs. we got back to eva's room and i closed the door

eva: we don't have to you know? you're still healing
me: i know but just once?
eva: fine

i smiled and started kissing eva. we made out until we got to the bed. i started kissing her neck and all over her chest. i left a couple hickeys on her chest. i tried going lower until i felt a sharp pain on my side which was where i got shot

eva: are you okay?
me: yeah it's nothing
eva: no c'mon let's just cuddle, we can do this another day

she opened her arms and i laid my head on her breast. then someone started ft eva and she answered pointing it at me

katie: HEY- ou bitch you look crusty
me: (chuckles) fuck you
katie: anywaysss i called to see if y'all wanted to hang out today? like go watch a movie or something?

eva then moved the phone and whispered to me

eva: you wanna go?
me: sure

eva: yeah we'll go
katie: okay i'll pick y'all up around 6:30
eva: okay

they hung up and eva started massaging my head

me: this bitch better pick a good movie
eva: (chuckles) does she not have good taste?
me: she's a crackhead so who knows
eva: (laughs and kisses my head)
me: can you wake me up when you start getting ready? ima take a nap
eva: of course bub
me: thank you

i got comfortable on her, closed my eyes, and fell asleep

(hope you guys are enjoying the story! hope y'all have a great day❤️)

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