Ch.11 pt2

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i'm excited, the would be like our first date again. all with the girl of my dreams. she made me a plate of waffles with fruit on top. i ate up and finished.




Eva's POV: so right now i'm finishing up my hair. i'm happy me and anna are going on this little date. i just don't want her to get hurt. i can't talk her out of it tho, she's too sweet for that. i love her. i finished up and went to her room. i knocked and she responded

anna: come in
me: hey beautiful
anna: noo look at you, you're perfect

she was sitting on her bed, i went to her and kissed her. we continued for about 2 more minutes until i pulled away

me: we're saving this for another day
anna: (smiles) fine

i helped anna downstairs and once we got to the bottom we ran into the girls

sab: and where you two going?
dev: don't bother to ask, their response would always sound innocent but really it's "to fuck"
me/anna: fuck you
dev: threesome?
emma: leave them alone.... no but really threesome?

i pushed anna's wheelchair out to the car and helped her in the passenger. i went to the driver's, turned the car on, and drove to the park. i helped anna out, got as much stuff as i could, and found a place for us. i sat down the stuff and anna helped decorate. we sat down and opened up one of the baskets which was fruit inside

me: you know, i'm really glad we're doing this
anna: me too (smiles) and i'm glad we found our way back to each other after all that happened. i missed you eva. and i promise you, i'll never hurt you again.
me: (smiles and kisses her) i love you
anna: i love you

we ate our food and continued talking. we laughed and played around. it was honestly the best time. i could never be as happy as i am with anyone else. anna makes me happy. she's the best and all though we went through a rough time, i'll still love her.

Anna's POV: me and eva are just talking about the future, continuing on about our future kids. this girl will forever be my safe place.

eva: i want twins, specifically boys
me: twins?? oh boy you're gonna have to mark a 1 and a 2 on them, i can't ever tell anyone apart, you've seen clearly with christian and will oof
eva: (laughs) i got you, and name ideas?
me: uhh ou "Evan and Chad" (laughs)
eva: always (chuckles)

i looked at eva for a little while, i got caught up in her eyes. i think she caught on tho

eva: hello creep (chuckles) what are you doing
me: just- thinking about our future family (smiles)
eva: our kids would be good looking too
me: hell yeah. one thing tho, we are not introducing our kids to dev. she would literally tell them all the times she caught us.. yk
eva: ohh for sure

we laughed and continued eating. this date is going perfect. nothing could ruin this beautiful moment-

??: anna?

oh kill me please.

(any thoughts on who y'all think it might be🤔 hope you guys are enjoying the story, love you❤️)

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