Not an Update.

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i figure we all know abt the anna situation. yeah it was wrong. but she apologized. creators are out here saying the N word, and doing more wrong than what she did, and she gets hated for that one video??

Yes, she apologized a year late. But people are also bringing it up a year late too. I bet people laughed at it then and now that one person brought it up everyone switched up. that's bs. People have done worse than what she did. But they forget about what they've done after a week.

She shouldn't be getting death threats. She apologized so move on. "It's not enough" wtf is she supposed to do? Grown creators just gave an "i'm sorry." or not even an apology.

I see people posting "Dark Humor" all the time on my fyp. All comments are full of "🤣🤣"  "this is actually funny😂" but they never know what race could be behind that screen but they still laugh. They never question what race they are for them to be making that specific video.

But whatever. I still support her. I still love her.

(btw update coming soon)

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