Ch.14 pt3

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Anna's POV: it's been at least 3 days since the party. eva still hasn't come out the room. i'm worried because she hasn't eaten. i've also haven't been sober since then. i made more food. i put it on a tray for her and brought it upstairs. i knocked on the door and it's still the same thing i expected, no response.

me: eva you haven't aten, please open the door
me: eva open the door.

still nothing. i had the tray in my hand and threw it towards the end of the hallway. i broke down quietly enough so she wouldn't hear me. i then rushed downstairs, grabbed me a bottle of hennessy, and call christian

christian: hey what's up?
me: can you come over? we need to talk
christian: yeah sure i'll be right over
me: thank you
christian: of course

we hung up and took big gulps of the bottle. i hate myself for drinking but it's the only good feeling i get. i think i may have a problem but it's not a big deal, i can quit anytime. while i was waiting for christian to get hear, i just chilled on the couch and drank. about 20 mins later someone knocked. i put the bottle down and went to open the door

christian: so what's up?

i pulled christian inside and said what i had to say

me: it's time
christian: for?
me: we gotta kill that motherfucker.
christian: oh shit.. ok but anna, do you really think killing him will do any good for eva? it's not gonna change anything
me: no but it'll make me feel better
christian: yeah but-
me: listen you said you wanted to do it too. are you really finna back out on this? he fucking raped eva, christian. he deserves what's coming. you know what fuck it, i'll do it my damn self-  (starts walking away)
christian: what time?
me: (stops and turns) 9:30, wear any black you got.
christian: alright, i'll meet you back here when it's time
me: sounds good, thanks
christian: yeah

he left and closed the door behind him. i can tell he doesn't want to do this and i don't either but i want to hurt kio for what he's done. he didn't just ruin my life, he ruined eva's too. she'll forever have that thought in her head. it's a scary thought and i don't want her to live with it. i just want this girl to be happy. that's literally all she deserves. i hate seeing her hurt. but i hope this works. i can't fail her anymore. many thoughts went through my brain as i kept drinking. life just got serious. this just got serious. but at least i'll be behind bars with a smile on my face knowing that asshole is dead.

time went on and on. it was (8:50pm) i went upstairs to change but remembered eva was in my room. i went to her room and right when i walked in everything that i saw hit me. i brushed it off and went to her closet. i remembered she had a black hoodie of mine and the sweats that came with it. i changed into it and went downstairs. i texted christian what time he'd be here and he said he was a couple minutes away. i waited for him then he texted he was outside. i grabbed my car keys and left the house. as i was coming out he was getting out his car. i got in mine and get got in as well.

christian: alright so how are we doing this?
me: get this key and open the glove box

i handed him a key and he grabbed it and opened it

christian: holy shit anna- i thought the gun was taken
me: it was, but i had a back up one and then got another one
christian: how'd you get these?
me: i know a guy
christian: yeah well he needs to stop selling to you, you're fucking crazy
me: (laughs) i have another one hidden in a bush in the backyard
christian: fucking psychopath, so where we going?
me: kio got taken into prison, i tracked down which one it was
christian: how are we gonna- yk?
me: well in this prison, prisoners get time in the yard from 10-11. after 11 it's light out. so we need to do this fast and right
christian: this is real pressure.
me: yeah but remember what we're doing it for. eva deserves a win. and so do we.

we got to our location. of course we parked blocks away tho. we did the walking the rest of the way. we got to a ditch near the yard. it wasn't too close but it wasn't far. there were prisoners everywhere.

christian: (whispers) how do we know which one is him?

i looked around and saw him. it was pretty obvious since he's skinny and shorter than the other prisoners. he was the only one by himself

me: (whispers) that's him.
christian: who's shooting?
me: i want this badly, i'll do it. you look around, make sure no one sees us. but if i miss, shoot after me. make sure the safety isn't on
christian: alright
christian: well.. i guess we're not the only ones wanting him dead, look

i was putting bullets in and stopped to look. there was big guys coming towards him and pushing him around. i heard a little bit since they weren't far from the fence

prisoner #1: heard your little ass raped a girl
prisoner #2: we don't like rapists.
prisoner #1: you wanna know what we do to boys like you? tell him mad
prisoner #3: we make y'all our slave, clean our toilets, our beds, even clean off the leftovers we left on our trays. we'll make you our bitch for however long you're here
prisoner #2: yeah yeah you'll be out bitch

christian: that kid ain't gonna survive in there
me: not at all
christian: what are we waiting for? shoot his ass
me: i'm waiting for the right time

a prisoner then pushed him on the ground. i got ready, i aimed, i had my finger on the trigger just waiting for it. he got up and i pulled the trigger. he slowly fell onto his knees and back. all the prisoners started to run inside

christian: let's get tf out of here

i put the gun in my pants and covered it up with my shirt and hoodie and so did christian. we ran back to the car through the woods. we got to the car and drove off. we drove around different places so no car would see us going to the house. after 30 mins or so i drove back to the house and parked. we sat in the car shocked

christian: holy shit. we just did that-
me: mhm..

i opened the door and puked. i cleaned myself and closed the door

christian: you gonna be okay?
me: will be. what about you?
christian: i think so
me: remember. do not say a word. about anything
christian: what are you gonna do abt the guns?
me: i'll deal with that
christian: alright let me know if you need anything
me: of course, thank you seriously
christian: always

we hugged then he got out. he got in his care and drove out. holy fuck. this did not just happen. i put the guns back in the glove box and locked it up. i pulled myself together and went inside. i looked upstairs at my room and saw the door still closed. i went up to eva's room, got some spare clothes, and went into her bathroom to shower. after a good 40 mins i got out, dried up, and got changed. i went downstairs and sat thinking abt what the fuck i just did. it's all for eva though. i just can't tell her. i laid down and got comfortable. of course i couldn't sleep knowing what i just did though. i got up and saw the bottle i left beside the couch. i grabbed it and chugged the rest of it. i got up and went to get another one. i sat on the island and drank it there. after a couple of sips. i felt my eyes get heavy and heavy until i they had closed. i fell asleep shortly after that.

(starting to think of how this story started so sweet and innocent and boom murder. BAHAH. this was so much i think i mixed up a few words so just lmk if something is wrong. anyways hope y'all have a great day❤️)

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