ch.9 pt4

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Anna's POV: okay now i'm really nervous, i dressed up nicely for once. and i got everything ready to say. right now i'm driving to The Hangout, i hope to see eva. this is my one shot to make things better so i hope everything turns out good. i finally arrived and told the waiter i had reserved seats for two, he took me to the table and sat me down

waiter= w

w: can i start you of with anything to drink?
me: water please
w: coming up

i'm so excited to see her and a little nervous. i looked at the menu that was already on the table. i thought about getting something different but then thought i'll just get the same thing i got that same night i first took eva here. 10 mins later he came back with my water

w: here you go ma'am
me: thank you
w: hey you came here before, lemme guess the usual? (chuckles)
me: you know it (chuckles) but can you come back for a little bit, i'm actually waiting for someone and i don't want to keep the food cold
w: of course ma'am
me: thank you

i small sips of my water so i won't finish it. i looked around to see if she was coming but she wasn't yet. maybe she got stuck in traffic? or maybe forgot. it doesn't matter i'm just too excited.

i waited and waited, nothing. i checked my phone and it was already 7:50pm. like i said, traffic right? the waiter then came back

w: refill?
me: yes please

he refilled my water*

w: would you like anything else?
me: the usual please
w: coming up

i went to the bathroom, washed my hands, and came back. while i was on my way back to my table, the waiter came back with the food

me: thank you
w: of course

i ate slowly, just in case she came. still nothing. 20 mins later i finished eating and waited a little more. i checked my phone (8:30pm). whatever. i paid the check on the device attached i the table, left a $30 tip, and left. i sat in my car to think. i felt anger and sadness hitting me. i punched the steering wheel a couple times and broke down. she didn't come. it's all my fucking fault.


fuck this man. fuck it. i drove home. i wiped off every tear off my face before i got out just in case any of the girls questioned me. i went in and they were right there sitting on the stairs. shit.

emma: anna! are you okay?
sab: where were you?
dev: we heard what happened, please talk to us. we're still here for you
me: leave me alone

i tried walking pass them but dev grabbed my arm

dev: anna please

i rushed up to my room, slammed the door, and locked it. right then and there i broke down. damn it. they were just trying to help and now i'm fucking that up too? damn it anna. i looked around my room and spotted the alcohol i bought earlier. i grabbed a Jack Daniels, opened it. and drank out of the bottle. i know i shouldn't waste myself but if this will get my mind off of eva, i'm down for it. i chugged it and then grabbed 2 beers. fuckk yeah now this is what i'm talking about. i kept laughing all night until i suddenly had the urge to fall asleep. i stumbled my way to my bed, threw myself on it, and laughed myself to sleep.

(damn the first part made me tear up a lil bit, and i wrote this shit🥲. i was gonna update later tonight but here ya go :)anyways hope you are having a great day loves❤️)

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