Chapter 14

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my words came out slower and slower, i felt myself being dragged. i tried to open my eyes more but they got heavier and heavier with every blink. i blinked again and fully blacked out.

(before you read, there's a lot of cursing in this. just to let y'all know)

Anna's POV: i kept dancing and drinking with people until the music stopped.

sab: alright everyone, i think it's time for christian here to open his gifts
everyone: (cheers)
sab: here's my gift
christian: thank you (opens it) HOLY SHIT THESE SHOES ARE AMAZING, thank you (hugs her)

we all cheered after every gift, my name was called up next but i told them i wanted to wait til the end. after 20 mins he got through everything present then came my turn

sab: alright anna you're up
anna: okay okay, wait where's eva?
dev: probably blacked out somewhere
anna: well this is from me and her
christian: okay bet

he opened it and i just kept smiling waiting for his reaction

christian: OH MY GOD NOO, THIS IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, Thank you so much (smiles and hugs me)
anna: of course man (hugs back)
christian: that's awesome, where is eva anyway?
me: she's probably fell asleep up in her room, i'll go find her
christian: alright we'll thank you anna this is gorgeous
me: you deserve it

he hugged me one more time and i went to go find eva. i'm glad he liked it. if he didn't well i could've kept it too, nah. i went upstairs with a smile on my face but then it started to fade. i went outside her door and heard like screaming but from far away. i was confused i opened the door and



i saw eva on her bed undressed with tape over her mouth. i saw someone and immediately ran up to him with my knuckles in a fist. my anger raised and i went at him and threw some punches.

emma: anna are you ok- OH MY GOD

emma and christian came in and emma immediately ran to eva covering her up. as i was throwing hits my eyes started watering bc of what i saw

christian: he what- OH FUCK NO

he moved me out of the way and started beating up the dude. i didn't pay attention to his face bc i was focusing on beating his ass. i looked closely and i was shocked but not surprised


i joined back with christian beating him up together. that motherfucker. i stopped and rushed over to eva. she was shaking and her body was cold. i wrapped a blanket around her and me and emma took her to her bathroom. i turned on the warm water and filled up the bath. she looked shocked while still shaking. i put her in the bath and went in with her with my clothes on

me: emma go tell everyone to fucking leave the house before i lose my shit on all of them
emma: got it

she left and closed the door. i got up to lock it. and as i did there was a loud thud that banged on it. i sat back down and looked at eva while tears rushed down both of our faces

me: i'm so sorry- i'm so sorry i wasn't here earlier. i'm sorry i left you alone. i'm sorry for what that motherfucker did to you.

she didn't say a word but kept shaking. i put my hand on her knee and she flinched so i immediately took my hand off

me: listen eva. i promise you, that motherfucker is gonna pay. HE'S GONNA FUCKING PAY!

i got out the tub and opened the door and locked it behind me. they weren't in her room anymore but i heard sirens. i rushed downstairs and the cops were taking him away. i pushed my way to him and choked him

me: i'm gonna fucking kill you. YOU SON OF A BITCH-

the cops and christian were trying to pull me away but i held on tight to his fucking neck. they finally pulled away and he spoke up

kio: you're a lucky one, she's good in bed (laughs)

christian let go of me and ran towards him too giving him one good punch knocking him out. they cops had to drag him to the back of the car while being unconscious. they pulled christian away back to where i was

cop: don't lay another finger on him. we got this. it's best for you both to not get yourselves in trouble too.
me: you better fucking kill him or i will
cop: (gets in my face) don't say another word or i will take you with him.

i was about to say something else but christian backed me off. the cops left and i broke down into christian's arms

me: i can't believe he fucking did that to her christian. i should've been with her the whole night and not let go of her sight or this would've never of happened
christian: it's not your fault. you couldn't of known-
me: but i should've. i should've looked for her the second she wasn't with me.(wipes tears and whispers) i'm gonna kill him. it might not be today or tomorrow. but i'm gonna fucking kill him. you could either help me or not. but you're not stopping me.
christian: i'm in.

i went back inside and he came in to grab his gifts and stuff then left. the girls were were downstairs with tears in their eyes just staring at me

dev: hey anna um- we're leaving. just to give y'all space and figure things out. just temporarily
emma: yeah, we'll be over with the guys. let us know if you need anything
sab: will y'all be okay?
me: i don't know. but y'all really don't have to-
emma: we want to, it's best for us to not be in the way, just please let us know if you need anything and we'll be right over

i walked towards them to hug them

me: thank you. really.
sab: of course
emma: i got eva out already and helped her into some comfortable warm clothes, and onto her bed
me: thank you

i pulled away and they started heading out the door. i went over and locked it and went upstairs to eva's room. i found her sitting on her bed just staring at the wall still shaking with no covers. i went over and sat with her

me: do you need an extra blanket?

i tried putting the covers over her but she nodded and pushing them away

me: eva, i'm sorry. i'm supposed to protect you and clearly i failed. but it won't happen again. i promise on everything. you will never get hurt again.
me: please talk to me
me: at least tell me what else you need
me: eva please

i turned away from her and wiped the tears that were about to fall from my face

eva: i can't sleep here.

i turned back and looked at her

me: okay what about my room? would that be better?

she nodded yes and so i tried to help her up but she wouldn't allow me to touch her so i didn't. we got to my room and she got on my bed and laid down. i was about to lay down beside her until she spoke

eva: please. don't.
me: okay. i'll sleep in the living room. just tell me if you need anything.

i put some extra covers on the bed just in case she needs them and got out the room. i went downstairs and looked around. i let the tears come out but covered my mouth to stay silent. i laid on the couch and fell asleep after 10 mins.

(what are your thoughts on this chapter? if there's a typo or something messed up lmk bc i kinda rushed on this. hope y'all are enjoying the story tho, and hope y'all have a great day❤️)

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