Ch.14 pt2

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Anna's POV: i started waking up, i checked my phone and it was earlier than i've ever been up. i was half asleep the whole night. i couldn't sleep thinking about what happened. i hoping today is a little better but with the whole situation, i'm not sure it will be. i got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. i decided i wanted to make eva one of her favorite breakfasts, waffles with blueberry and strawberries, bacon, and scrambled eggs. with a grape kool-aid on the side of course. i made the food put it on a tray and went upstairs to my room where eva was in. i knocked on the door but didn't get a response

me: hey eva? i made you breakfast, it's your favorite

i tried to open the door but i guess she locked it last night

me: i don't know if you're awake or not but if you are i'll just leave it out the door and just grab it whenever you want it

i set it down outside the door and before walking away i said one last thing

me: i love you

still no response. i went back downstairs and sat on the couch. i can see how this is gonna affect her. if i was in her position, i wouldn't know what to do either. i'd be scared. but i'm not in her position, my position was to protect her. i failed on that, but i won't anymore. i'll protect her with everything i got. i just wish i can be with her right now but she doesn't want anyone to touch her, well at least me. so i respect that, i won't touch her unless she wants me to.

Eva's POV: anna knocked on the door and told me she made breakfast. i didn't answer because i just wanna be alone right now. she tried opening the door but i had locked it once she went downstairs to sleep last night. she thought i was still asleep but truth is i never went to sleep. everytime i close my eyes it brings me back to last night. i'm allergic to the cold and so the shaking hasn't stopped. my eyes burn and my body feels sore. i hate that i let this happen. i shouldn't of been so stupid to fall for a drink. i need anna with me but now is not the best time for physical affection. which i really want to hug her but last night when she touched me i could remember kio touching me like that. i hate every part of what happened. i'm embarrassed. now people are going to treat me differently because of what happened and i don't want that. god i hate men.

Anna's POV: it's been about 3 hours since i knocked on eva's door (1:30pm). i went upstairs and still saw the food outside. i knocked again

me: eva.. i left the food out here i can make you something else if you'd like?

still no response.

me: please answer, i just want to know you're okay in there
me: please?

nothing. i grabbed the tray and threw the food in the trash. i feel so helpless. i want to help but i don't know what to do. i looked around at the place and decided to clean up. decorations and all were still up. i cleaned as hours and hours went by. (6:00pm) i finished cleaning. as i was putting the tools back into the closet in the kitchen i spotted 5 full bottles of Hennessy. someone must of left it here from the party. i got that urge to drink but that's the whole reason i couldn't protect eva. i grabbed a bottle and looked at it for a moment then decided to take a couple of drinks. i grabbed a rocks glass and poured some.

(A/N: that's a Rocks glass btw)

i took shots after shots slowly

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i took shots after shots slowly. Hennessy is pretty strong, i was about 9 shots in. usually when i drink i get stupid but at least i forget about everything. except all i feel now is pain and everything i could've done but didn't. i got mad and threw the glass across the room. it went to a wall and broke

me: fuck.

im starting to get used to it. i want to fucking forget but i guess i can't anymore. i grabbed a broom and dustpan and picked up the mess. i threw it away and went back to the bottle. i grabbed it and sat on the couch. i drank out of it. when it got half way i could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

Eva's POV: i heard a loud noise, sounded like glass breaking. i wonder what anna's doing and hope she's okay. she must've just dropped something. i haven't gotten out of bed besides going to the bathroom. i feel dehydrated and feel sick every time i get up. whatever was in the drink really messed me up. i hope that asshole gets put in his place. anyways im so tired but can't sleep, i don't even know what to do anymore.

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