Ch.13 pt3

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we waited for people to come and in about 15 mins we heard knocking

zack: let's get this started

zack went to go open the door and dozens of people came in. we greeted them all as they came in and showed them where everything was. sab got on the little stage where the speakers were at and grabbed a microphone

sab: alright so christian will be coming out of the recording studio around 8, cooper is bringing him here and he'll text when they are close by. we're gonna shut down everything and surprise him when he comes in, got it?
everyone: YEAHH
dev: enough talking, LETS GET THIS SHIT RUNNING!

everyone cheered as sab turned the music on

Anna's POV: i'm still waiting for the chain to be ready. he said it shouldn't take long but i need him to take his time on this, christian is like my big brother, he's done so much for me and deserves the best. it took about an half an hour until i got updated again on how it's going

nick (we just gonna go w that): alright we'll it's all done, would you like to see it?
me: yess please

she opened the box it was in and as soon as he opened it, i fell in love.

nick: pretty great huh? (chuckles)
me: better than great this is fucking perfect
nick: (laughs) thank you, very much appreciated
me: here's the money, thank you so much man really
nick: of course kid, aye let me know if you ever need anything made and i got you
me: definitely, thank you
nick: thank you

i left the store without looking away from the chain. this is so perfect. he's gonna fall in love with this thing i'm sure. speaking of love, i've been meaning to get something for eva. i haven't been around much and i wanna make up for it. i went to a jewelry store, i looked through necklaces, earrings, and rings. i couldn't find anything she'd like. i went to another nearby store. i looked through everything and finally got to one beautiful ring. it was a butterfly with purple and black stones on it. i called for the worker and she came right away

w: yes?
me: okay so i'm trying to get a ring for my girlfriend and-
w: oh so you're proposing? you seem so young but hey love is temporary
me: oh uh- no, actually it's just a gift or a promise ring
w: how thoughtful, so you were saying?
me: i'm trying to get a ring for my girlfriend and i need you're opinion on this one
w: it's beautiful
me: (smiles)
w: but
me: but?
w:how about you take a look at this one instead

she pulled out another similar ring but instead of stones it was diamonds

me: this. this.. IS GORGEOUS
w: told ya, they're real btw here's a scanner to prove

she scanned and yup she was right

w: this is the one?
me: that's the one.

she took me to the register, paid, and went back to my car. this is all going perfect. i'm all set. while i was smiling at myself like a dumbass, i checked my phone and-

me: oh shit.

10 text messages, 16 missed calls, 3 missed ft calls. i saw the time (7:45pm). fuck. i turned on my car and drove off. i had totally forgot what was going on tonight. christian is gonna be home any minute. i still have an 20min drive back home. i sped out the stores parking spots, as long as i'm speeding i'll get there in time. but then..

me: no no no FUCK. COME ON

traffic. great. i honked and honked but there was no way anyone could move. fuck me.

Eva's POV: everything is shut down, people are hiding. sab told us cooper said they were here. i tried reaching anna but i got no response. where the hell could she be?? i got interrupted with my thoughts by the sound on the door opening. we heard footsteps coming closer to us. the lights came back on and we all jumped out

everyone: SURPRISE!!
christian: OH SHIT. what the hell?! what is this for?
emma: your album releasing
christian: this is amazing! thank you all
dev: yeah yeah, WHO'S READY TO PARTY?!
everyone: LETS GO!!

before sab turned the music back on, the door slammed open

anna: SUPRISE! (heavy breathing) shit i missed it.

(sorry for the late update but i hope y'all are having a great day, love you all❤️)

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