Chapter 11

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anna: (groans)
me: ANNA
anna: hey (smiles)


Eva's POV:

she tried sitting up but she looked like she was hurting trying to move

me: you okay?
anna: yeah just a little sore
dev: maybe because you just tried killing yoself

i looked at dev giving her the "WTF" stare.

me: dev shut the fuck up (i whisper to her)
anna: it's fine, she's right anyways
sab: why'd you do it?

anna looked at me and smiled

anna: it doesn't matter now, i got my beb back (smiles)

the doctor then came in

d: okay miss shumate, you seem all cleared up now. you'll be able to leave in a few hours. only thing is you won't be able to walk for a week so you'll be using one of our wheelchair's at least until you heal
anna: okay that's fine doc thank you
d: my pleasure
dev: hehe you gotta use a wheelchair
anna: hey dev
dev: what
anna: fuck off

Anna's POV: so we're just waiting until the doctor comes in and tells us we can leave. we waited about 3 hours until he came in with a wheelchair and medication

d: okay ready to go?
me: so ready
d: here you go

he helped me in the chair and adjusted it to make me comfortable

d: is that alright?
me: yes sir
d: (chuckles) here's your medication also, take 2 only in the mornings
me: okay thank you
d: of course, have a great evening

we left outside, eva was pushing my chair to the car. we all got in and went home. once we got there, eva helped me out the car and into the house

me: well now since i can't walk i guess i'll sleep in the living room
eva: i'll stay with you
dev: oh god they're gonna make noise
me: (laughs) stfu dev

it was around (7:30pm) everyone went to their rooms and me and eva were downstairs on the couch. she laid beside me where she couldn't hurt me

me: hey
eva: hi
me: so are we actually good? because you can still hate me, i'll let y-

before i could finish she kissed me

eva: i love you. (smiles)
me: well okay (chuckles) i love you (smiles)

we laid on the couch and cuddled watching movies. we watched about 3 until eva fell asleep. i pulled the covers and covered her better. i kissed her head and rubbed her back. i love this girl. she could've hated me for all i care bc what i did was so wrong. but she didn't choose that, she forgave me. i can't be happier with anyone else but this beautiful woman. i kissed her head again and fell into a deep sleep.


Anna's POV: i slowly started opening my eyes, i felt someone's arm on top of my chest, i look down and saw eva sleeping. i had forgotten how amazing it feels waking up and knowing the love of my life is there. i kissed her head and slowly sat up. i pulled my wheelchair close and moved over on it without waking up eva. i went over to the kitchen and grabbed a water. i got the medication the doctor gave me and took 2 pills. i then went to the restroom. i tried getting on the toilet but failed.

me: damn it

i tried pulling myself up which hurt my wound a lot more. i finally got on and did my business. after i finished i got back over on the wheelchair and washed my hands. i got out and went in the backyard to feel the sun. eva then came out

eva: hey bub what are you doing?
me: nothing much just admiring the view
eva: okay (chuckles) weirdo, do you want waffles? i'm making
me: yes please

she came behind me and kissed my cheek and lips. she then went back inside and i followed.

me: beb..
eva: yeah?
me: so i was hoping if you wanted to go on a little picnic ?
eva: yess of course
me: really? okay so a park or something?
eva: why not here? you're not supposed to be going places right now
me: i know but i want it to be special and not where the girls can ruin it, please?
eva: fine we can go to the park down the road
me: great 6:30?
eva: okay

i'm excited, the would be like our first date again. all with the girl of my dreams. she made me a plate of waffles with fruit on top. i ate up and finished.

(next part i'll be skipping to the picnic. this was rushed but hope y'all are enjoying the story! i love y'all❤️)

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