ch.8 pt4

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i drove to katie's house and dropped her off. i then drove back home. once i parked in the driveway i had to sit and think for a little bit just to control myself. my palms are sweaty and i'm shaking. i really fucked up. and i hate myself for what i've done. after a few mins of trying to control myself i finally calmed down and went in

Eva's POV: i was sitting patiently on the couch waiting for anna to get home. after 20 mins of waiting she finally walked in

me: hey bub
anna: hey

her face was red and she looked paranoid

me: are you okay?
anna: yeah i'm fine
me: you sure?
anna: yep i'm fine beb, i'm just gonna go shower
me: oh okay bub

she kissed my head and went upstairs. when she kissed my head i could smell the scent of alcohol. i really hope she didn't get wasted hanging with the boys. i went upstairs to her room and waited on her bed for her to finish showering. after 35 mins she came out

anna: oh shit (chuckles) you scared me
me: sorry
anna: everything alright?
me: yeah just- um, did you drink last night?
anna: why do you ask?
me: when you got close to me downstairs i could smell it
anna: oh.. you could? uh yeah had a few drinks. hope you're not mad
me: no it's fine i just want you to be careful because i don't know if you've noticed but you can get really outta hand when it comes to alcohol so (chuckles)
anna: oh yeah (chuckles and then fades)
me: yeahh. hey are you sure you're okay?
anna: yeah beb i'm fine
me: i just wanna make-

before i could finish she came towards me and interrupted me by kissing me

anna: i'm fine, i love you (smiles)
me: well okay. i love you too (blushes and smiles)
anna: okay now ima change and get ready for the day
me: okay

i left her room and went downstairs. the girls were already down there eating breakfast

me: morning girls
all: morning
sab: so did anna come back last night?
me: this morning actually. and i don't even think she played soccer with the guys, i smelt strong liquor on her
emma: well the boys are stupid so it sounds about right
dev: yeah but at least she went with the boys, if she'd gone by herself who knows what could've happened to her dumbass
me: yeah i guess

a few mins later anna came down

anna: hey guys what are we talking about?
dev: you bitch

i hit dev's to signal for her to shut up

me: nothing just about what we should do
anna: oh cool but i don't really feel great so y'all can go out, if that's what you were all planning to do
dev: why? is your ass finally quitting alcohol- OW

i hit her again. god this women don't know when to stop talking

anna: huh?
me: nothing, but hey if you don't feel good we could stay home with you and watch movies. right girls?
emma: i mean...
sab: i guess..
dev: hell no

then sab hit dev

dev: i mean sure i guess
anna: it's fine, i just want eva. y'all can go

the girls went upstairs to get ready for whatever they are doing. i went to go sit with anna on the couch

me: hey do you need anything? pain killers, water, or anything?
anna: no i'm fine beb
me: okay well what do you wanna do?
anna: let the girls leave first (winks)

my eyes lit up. anna's acting different, something's up with her. but i like this anna so no complains. after 15 mins the girls came back downstairs to leave

sab: bye y'all
emma: bye girls

the girls left and i looked at anna

me: so what now?
anna: (looks up and down on me and smirks) let's go for a swim
me: okay

we went upstairs and got into bathing suits. then headed towards the pool. i was gonna go in by the stairs then anna grabbed me and pushed me in

me: what the hell
anna: don't worry i'll throw myself in

she dived in and swam towards me

me: you should've at least let me push you in (rolls eyes)
anna: (chuckles) aw is someone mad? (makes doggie face)
me: no

she then wrapped my legs around her waist and kissed me

anna: you still mad?
me: maybe

Anna's POV: i had my hands around eva's waist and rubbed one slowly down to her inner thigh. i then swam with her to the nearest edge and put her back against it. with the hand i had on her inner thigh, i started moving it slowly towards her clit and rubbed over her bathing suit

eva: anna. really? here?
me: calm down and enjoy it (winks)

i then put my hand in and rubbed her clit. she let out soft moans. i started kissing her shoulders and neck. i inserted 2 fingers in and heard a moan. i continued having my fingers in her clit and kissing her until..

dev: hey guys i left my- OH WTF!

i turned around and covered eva

me: oh shit dev
me: well-
dev: we swim in there. oh lord we gotta get rid of it now. you know what actually y'all probably fucked everywhere we're getting rid of the house cause what the fuck
me: fuck you. what do you want
dev: i was gonna ask if y'all seen my phone but i guess not. i'll look for it myself

she went inside and slammed the sliding door. i turned around and looked at eva, we both bursted out laughing

eva: why is it her that always catches us? (laughs)
me: i don't even know (chuckles)
dev: i found it! bye nasty mfs!
me&eva: bye

(this was rushed cuz i kinda just did it and tried to finish it for y'all. sorry it's kinda late, today wasn't all that great but i hope y'all had a great day. i love you❤️)

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