Chapter 9

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Anna's POV: dev had just left which me and eva were still in the pool

eva: can we go in now? it's kinda windy out here
me: yeah of course

we got out the pool and went inside. i went upstairs to my room to shower and eva joined me. we washed each other's hair and body. after 20 mins we got out and got into some sweats and hoodies. we laid on my bed and i turned on the tv

me: hold up i'll be back, ima grab some snacks
eva: okay beb

i went downstairs and grabbed some snacks

Eva's POV: so anna went downstairs to get some snacks for us. this girl is literally the sweetest. while she went downstairs i was trying to pick out a movie until my phone started blowing up. I got notifications from "TheHOLLYWOODFix", friends, and family. i thought it was just some stupid drama that goes around almost every week, i decided to see what all the fuss was about. i clicked on the HOLLYWOOD Fix notification and the title say "Anna Shumate kissing" i stopped and looked at the picture below it, it showed anna kissing some girl. i went back up to the title and saw the rest "Anna kissing Katie Pego??". my heart stopped for a min, i looked around for the date just in case this was a long time ago, it had today's date. that's when tears started falling from my eyes. i turned off my phone and started putting my shoes on. then anna came back

anna: i got the snacks- hey where you going?
me: don't worry about it.

i got up and headed towards the door and anna got in front of me

anna: whoa hey, what's wrong? why are you crying-
me: did you kiss katie?!
anna: huh?

i pulled out my phone and went to the notification and showed anna

anna: oh shit.
me: really? is that all you gotta say?
anna: i- i
me: fuck it

i moved aside from anna and tried getting out but anna grabbed my arm

me: don't fucking touch me (pushes her)
anna: eva.. i'm so sorry, you weren't supposed to find out this way-
me: seems like i wasn't suppose to find out at all huh anna? (starts raising voice)
anna: eva... i'm so so sorry (starts tearing up)
me: did y'all fuck?
anna: w-what?
me: did y'all fuck?
anna: eva-
me: yes or no anna. did y'all fuck?
anna: no
me: so you're telling me y'all kissed but not made out??
anna: eva-
me: god damn it anna. DID YALL FUCK?!
anna: (nods yes)
me: why? why anna? (puts hands over eyes and cries)
anna: eva i'm sorry (tries hugging me)
me: DONT. FUCKING. TOUCH. ME. (pushes her during every pause)
me: you said "i love you". you kissed me. you went inside of me. how could you fucking do that after cheating!
anna: ... please eva-
me: no you know what. fuck it. FUCK YOU.

i pushed her out of my way and left the house. i got in my car and drove off. i don't know where to. i just knew i had to get far. how could i not see this coming. i feel so stupid. how could she fucking do this! i had so many thoughts coming at me at once i just had to let something out


i continued sobbing to the point where i just felt numb.

(hey guys! sorry this is kinda late but hope you guys enjoy! y'all gonna hate me for a little while but i promise to make it better, just gotta wait a few parts🌚 love you!❤️)

Evanna ("In Love with my Best Friend")Where stories live. Discover now