ch.8 pt2

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Anna's POV:

me: hey.. so are you really okay with me not going?
eva: i mean i wish you'd come but we also spend everyday together so go have fun
me: really?
eva: yes
me: well okay, you have fun too (kisses her cheek and lips)


the girls had left about 20 mins ago. i checked my phone and the time was 5:20. i texted katie to see if she wanted me to pick her up earlier


      Me: hey you want me to pick you up already?

K: yeah sure

                                                           Me: Otw

i got up, brushed my teeth and hair, got into a t-shirt, sweats, and my white AF1's and got into my car. i got to katie's house and again she was just waiting outside

me: hey hoe, you know you don't have to wait outside
katie: mind you business bitch, let me be
me: (laughs) okay so mall?
katie: yes

i drove us to the mall. once we got there katie punched tf outta my arm

katie: punch buggy no returns
katie: i had to do what i had to do
me: childish bitch
katie: thank you (smiles)
me: (rolls eyes) get tf outta my car

we both laughed and got out to walk towards the mall. first store we went to was the jewelry store. we looked around for a while and didn't find anything until something caught our eye. it was a ring that defined "FU", we laughed and thought we could both get one to match (A/N: here's the ring)

 it was a ring that defined "FU", we laughed and thought we could both get one to match (A/N: here's the ring)

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we both looked at the price and it was $250 each

me: oh shit, damn who knew this little thing could cost so much
katie: don't worry, i got it
me: huh? noo i got it it's fine
katie: too bad i already paid for it
me: that's a lot of money kate-
katie: stfu and appreciate it
me: fine but whatever you buy next is on me
katie: stfu

we go to about 3 more stores before we left. katie did not let me pay for anything which pissed me off. i always have to pay for my friends, it's a habit, i don't like people paying for me. it's sweet but no. we got done and came back to the car

me: okay so what next?
katie: well it's 7:50pm, you don't got other plans?
me: nope
katie: okay um... bar?
me: hell yeah let's go

we drove to the nearest bar which was about 10 mins away. we went in and sat at a table. at this bar, there's just women bartenders that either stay at the bar or come to each table to ask what would you like. as we sat down one came over and kept flirting with me

Bartender= BT

BT: good evening, what can i get y'all
katie: hit me with some vodka with a slight of cranberry juice in it please
BT: gotcha, what about you babe (winks and bites lip)
me: same here
BT: coming right away (smiles at me)
katie: okay anna i see
me: see what
katie: ugh dumbass she was flirting with you
me: what? noo she was just being polite
katie: polite my ass
me: even if she was i don't care. i have a beautiful girl
katie: yeah well you better tell her that
me: whatever

the BT came back with our drinks, she gave katie's first and then mine. i saw that there was a stuck on the handle

katie: what is that?
me: i don't know

i opened it and saw a number with words below stating "call me ;)". i showed katie and her eyes widened

katie: better throw that away
me: yeah i guess

me and katie talked and drank our beverages. we had at least 5 full mugs of our drink. we were drunk asf. we laughed and talked so loud, i could sense everyone staring

me: kate- katie shh everyone staring

as soon as she said that everyone cheered


she brings me 10 shots and one by one i finish them all. everyone kept cheering

katie: YES MA'AM

i couldn't control myself anymore and so i whispered to katie

me: kiss me
katie: whoa there, your girl remember?
me: just for fun to give them a show
katie: whatever

i kissed katie and everyone cheered louder. after about 10 secs katie pulled away

katie: alright i think that's enough for tonight, c'mon lemme take you home
me: ugh whatever

she helped me out to my car, put me in the passenger and she got in the driver's. everything was blurry and spinning. next thing i know is we stopped

katie: shit i can't drive, ima call an uber

before she called i had completely lost control

i hit katie's phone outta her hand and kissed her. i could feel her trying to pull away but she got caught in the moment too and let it happen. i went into the backseat and pulled her with me. i put her legs around me and sat her on my lap. i removed her shirt and kissed her neck and chest. i then removed her bra and sucked on her breast. she unbuttoned her pants and i helped remove them. i inserted 2 fingers and heard a moan

katie: oh fuck

i inserted 3 and kissed all on her body, she just moaned more and grabbed on my hair

after 10 mins i had officially blacked out

(i just remembered, there might be 9 year olds reading this... welcome to sex ed🌚 LMAO. also do y'all like me updating everyday? or should i wait a little each time? i'll try to do both but lmk your thoughts)

Evanna ("In Love with my Best Friend")Where stories live. Discover now