Ch.12 pt4

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Eva's POV: i slowly starting waking up and touched around while adjusting my eyes. i didn't feel anna beside me where she was sleeping. i quickly got up and opened my eyes. i looked behind me and found her sleeping on the couch. i was confused on why she was there but didn't think much of it. i relaxed back down and got on my phone. emma then started waking up

emma: morning
me: morning
emma: (looks at anna confused) why is she on the couch?
me: i don't even know
emma: damn she must of really wanted her space
me: probably
emma: yeah we'll i would've liked that too. dev's bitch ass kept kicking and stealing the blanket
me: (chuckles) yeah she does that
emma: yeah well i'm gonna get breakfast, u coming?
me: yeah

we got up and got us some cereal with fruit on the side. sab then woke up and came towards us confused

sab: why is she-
me/emma: we don't know
sab: anyways pass the cereal

emma passed her the cereal and milk

sab: well yesterday was fun
me: yess
emma: we need to have more nights like that
sab: oh yeah

dev then woke up

dev: why this bitch up-
me/emma/sab: we don't know
dev: well shit. okay
emma: want some cereal?
dev: yes ma'am
emma: already done
dev: coming

she got up and sat down at the island

dev: where tf is the wine?
sab: wine..? oh shit where IS the wine?
emma: i don't know
sab: mm i probably left it outside
dev: i probably drank it. i don't remember
emma: then you probably did drink it
me: (laughs) fr
dev: oh well

we finished eating and anna was still asleep

emma: should we wake her?
sab: yeah eva she's been sleeping for a while now
me: she's probably didn't sleep much last night cuz we were all together
emma: true

i went over and bent down removing anna's hair out of her face

me: (whispers) morning bubs
me: anna
anna: (groans) hm?
me: want some breakfast?
anna: mhm
me: okay well c'mon

she slowly started sitting up and rubbing her eyes

dev: wake up bitch. it ain't time to be sleeping
sab: why'd you sleep on the couch?
me: yeah why did you?
anna: hm? oh. i don't know, wanted to give y'all more space ig
dev: mhm. you just wanted your own space huh?
anna: ehh kinda
dev: fucker

i served anna some cereal and let her eat. i kissed her forehead and hugged her from behind while she was eating

anna: oof beb maybe don't- don't do that. my stomach hurts
me: oh sorry

i backed off and just sat next to her

Anna's POV: as i'm eating, the biggest head ache and stomach ache hit me

dev: so how'd you sleep. assuming good since you slept on the couch bitch
sab: i swear

they kept coming at me just bc i slept on the couch. while they kept talking their voice is louder and it's really making me mad

me: omg just shut up. i slept on the couch. oh fucking well. get over it

i had the spoon in my hand and just threw it across the table. i got really annoyed and went upstairs to my room. i closed the door and just laid on my bed with my arms over my head. then i heard the door open

eva: hey anna are you okay? you just blew up out of nowhere
me: sorry i just got really annoyed with everyone making a big deal out of it
eva: they were just joking, you know how they are
me: well it's starting to piss me off
eva: just ignore them
me: i'm just tired
eva: okay well- i'll leave you alone, just rest right now
me: thanks, i'll apologize later
eva: okay

she left my room and i got comfortable. i closed my eyes and tried to take a nap. it didn't last more than 1 hour. all i kept thinking about was blowing up on the girls. i felt bad and decided to go apologize. i went downstairs but didn't see them there so i went upstairs and heard laughing from dev's room. i opened the door and they were all there

eva: hey bubs, you better now?
me: oh yeah

it was silent for a moment they were all just looking at me so i decided to break the silence

anna: so what are y'all doing?
eva: just watching some videos
me: oh cool
dev: mhm
me: listen y'all i'm sorry for blowing up on y'all. i was just tired and wasn't thinking straight and i-
sab: anna. it's fine
emma: yeah don't worry about it
dev: yeahh we all get like that sometimes
me: so we're all good?
emma: you know it
dev: come here my sugar plum
me: (fake laughs) dev i'm not in the mood right now
dev: oh yes your are my kit kat
dev: (quietly says) shit. i'm sor-
me: fuck this.

i got out her room and slammed the door. i went to my room, put on shoes, got my keys, and went out to my car. i drove off pissed. i told her i wasn't in the fucking move. what doesn't she understand??!

(angry boon😮‍💨 hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! hope y'all have an amazing day❤️)

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