Ch.13 pt4

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before sab turned the music back on, the door slammed open

anna: SUPRISE! (heavy breathing) shit i missed it.

Anna's POV: i went up to christian and congratulated him on his album

me: congratulations dude wtf, this is amazing
christian: thank you shlime (hugs me)
me: of course

we pulled away and he went to enjoy his party

eva: didn't think you were actually gonna come
me: what makes you say that?
eva: well you haven't been here most of the time
me: i know and i'm sorry, but i'm here now
eva: mhm i guess

i pulled her close and lifted her head up to look at me and kissed her

eva: what was that for?
me: i just forgot to tell you how beautiful you look so i thought a kiss would make it up
eva: well you're forgiven (smiles and walks away)

oh she doesn't know what's coming. i'm thinking of giving it to her after the party is over. i really hope she likes it. i got interrupted by someone tapping me on my back, i turned around and

me: HOLY SHIT (hugs her)
katie: hey!
me: i didn't know you were coming
katie: eva invited me, and you know i can't miss a party
me: you're only here for the alcohol huh
katie: damn. you know me so well
me: (chuckles) yeah i do
katie: alcohol do got me. sorry if it makes you uncomfortable speaking of it, i understand what you've been through
me: oh no not at all, i can be around it
katie: well great bc ima need my drinking bud tonight
me: you're on (smirks)
eva: KATIE
katie: sup babe
eva: glad you could make it
katie: glad you invited me, but no fr threesome soon?
me: (sarcastically laughs) no-
eva: i'm down
me: not this again
katie: (laughs) anyways where's the alcohol?
eva: over there (points at table)
katie: say less

she went rushing over to the alcohol and came back

katie: well wtf y'all doing the dance floor is over here (pulls us)
me: no no
eva: let's get it
me: well i guess we're doing this anyways

we got on the dance floor, there's was a ton of people everywhere dancing and drinking. katie and eva were dancing, i'd have to be drunk enough to join. i sneaked my way out of the crowd and filled up a cup of vodka. i added some juice to it and chugged it. i got another one and chugged until someone stopped me

dev: whoa slow down there, you're gonna get sick
me: DEV hey, i've been meaning to talk to you
dev: well this probably ain't good
me: no it's not bad i just- i wanna apologize for being a bitch to you lately, well specially that one day when i came at you. i was tired and wasn't having it that day. everything had easily made me raise hell and i'm just sorry for yelling
dev: is this drunk talk?
me: (chuckles) no drunk talk just me
dev: well then i accept your apology, thank you (smiles)
me: of course (smiles)
dev: can i hug you? respectfully?
me: bring it in (smiles)

she jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around me. we hugged for a good minute then pulled away. she walked away and i finished my drink. i filled it up again and drank slower this time. i obviously don't know what "slower" means bc i finished it in about a minute. fuck it i'm not lame. i filled two cups up and drank them at the same time. that's 4 cups and it had me tipsy. a few more and i'll be ready to go. i chugged and chugged cups full. after the 7th i was good, i knew bc i kept laughing at literally everything. i filled another one up and joined katie and eva on the dance floor

katie: oh shit drunk anna alert, AYEEEE
me: you know it (laughs)

everyone was dancing on everyone as so were we. after about 15 mins i had lost katie and eva in the crowd. i was dancing with random people but we were just hyping everyone up so it was fun. i could barely see bc there were flashing lights everywhere but i was too wasted to care. this one dude (not sure who it was bc i couldn't see) brought a drinking gas pump full of alcohol. everyone had to drink upside down. my turn came and as i was drinking everyone kept hyping me up. i lasted longer than anyone and everyone was shocked but hey what can i say. we played more and more games and all i can say is, i'm fucked up.


Eva's POV: me, anna, and katie were dancing and dancing. i'm pretty drunk rn if you ask me. more and more people had joined and literally under 5 secs i had lost the girls. new people joined me and i just kept dancing. some guy then came up to me and danced with me

??: really enjoying yourself huh (chuckles)
me: oh for sure (laughs)
??: want a drink?
me: no thanks
??: how many have you had?
me: about 4
??: oh so you're a lightweight drinker?
me: excuse me?
?? (chuckles) hey i'm just saying, i could beat you in chugging one
me: oh really? give me that shit

i snatched an extra cup he had in his hand and chugged it full

me: i'm no lightweight (winks)
??: should i get you another? (smiles)
me: go for it idgaf

he brought me another and i chugged it

me: third time's a charm, c'mon
??: i think you've had enough (chuckles)
me: whatever i still won
??: you sure did

he went to go sit down on the couch. i continued dancing for about 10 more mins until i felt heated and dizzy. all the flashing lights didn't help. i stopped dancing while everyone continued. i stumbled trying to get away from everyone but fell. everything was in slow motion, me falling and people dancing. i was about to fall until someone caught me by my arms. i looked and saw anna's face

me: anna...
me: anna i love you (laughs)
me: you're amazing
me: i- i'm in love

my words came out slower and slower, i felt myself being dragged. i tried to open my eyes more but they got heavier and heavier with every blink. i blinked again and fully blacked out.

(i was gonna update last night but i fell asleep, but what do think is happening? give me your guesses on who you think the person is🤔 anyways i hope y'all have an amazing day❤️)

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