Ch.15 pt4

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Anna's POV: today is the day. right now i'm getting dressed after a shower i took. i dressed differently than i normally do cause i mean it court or trail whatever. i've already reached out to mine and eva's lawyer, they'll meet us over there. the girls are taking me, i'd ask them to stay because im pretty nervous but i don't want anyone involved including christian. he was there with me but he didn't kill kio so i don't want him to be in this. i finally finished up and met up with the girls downstairs

emma: you ready?
me: yes
dev: alright let's go

we headed out to the car, emma drove, dev was in the passenger, and i was in the back. i started playing with my fingers because of how nervous i suddenly got. i don't know why, i was already prepared to get taken away so why am i nervous? i kept thinking of how i want things to go and as i did emma put her hand on my lap

emma: don't worry, you'll do great and both of you will be out in no time

it was kinda soothing to hear that but we don't know what could happen. we finally arrived, they let me off in front of the doors

dev: you sure you don't want us to come in with you?
me: no i'll be okay... i hope

they both came out the car and we group hugged

emma: everything will be okay
dev: yeah, and if you need anything we'll be right out here waiting for you
me: thanks y'all

we pulled away and i started heading towards the doors

dev: good luck!
me: love you both
emma: we love you

i went inside and saw my lawyer waiting on me outside the court room

Anna's Lawyer = A/L
Eva's Lawyer = E/L
Judge Jerry = Judge
Kio's Mom = K/M
Main Cop = Cop 1

A/L: ready?
me: yup. let's get this over with

we walked in and on one side it was kio's lawyer and family. the other was eva's parents, my parents couldn't get a plane ticket on time so they couldn't come but it's okay i'll be fine. all the witnesses were prisoners that saw what happened. the cop showed me to my place which was right beside eva, thank god i could finally see my love

eva: (whispers) god i missed you (kisses me)
me: i missed you too (kisses back)
eva: how are you doing?
me: not good, i can't get no one to believe me that i killed him. but i promise i'll get you out this mess in no time.
eva: anna

loud doors suddenly opened and it was the judge. he went to his seat and suddenly my hand became sweaty.

bailiff: ALL RISE.

we all stood up facing the judge

bailiff: The court of Los Angelos County is now in session, the Honorable Judge Jerry presiding.
judge: What is today's case?
bailiff: Today's case is about the murder of Kio Cyr.
judge: Murder huh? Okay maybe we start off with the family of Mr. Cyr. Who are you?
K/M: I am Kio's mother, your Honor.
judge: Nice to meet you. Who is presenting your son today?
K/L: My name is Sara Cortéz, I am Kio Cyr's lawyer and i'll be presenting them today, your Honor.
judge: Nice to meet you both. Now who's what over here?
eva: My name is Eva Cudmore, your Honor.
me: My name is Anna Shumate, your Honor.
judge: Nice to meet you both. Who is presenting you both today?
A/L: My name is Elizabeth Andrews, I am Anna Shumate's lawyer and i'll be presenting her today, your Honor.
E/L: My name is Alaina Rogers, I am Eva Cudmore's lawyer and i'll be presenting her today, your Honor.
judge: Nice to meet you all. Now let's begin. Ms. Cudmore, you are being assumed of murdering Kio Cyr. What is your story?
eva: I-
me: excuse me, your honor. can i speak first?
judge: you may.
me: eva is being assumed of a murder she didn't commit. there had been some mistake that says that. she didn't commit murder. it had been I who is responsible for this murder.
judge: thank you for coming forward with the truth.
cop 1: your Honor? may i speak up?
judge: you may.
cop 1: ms. shumate has told us the same statement before. my team and i went back to the scene where the murder was made and explored more to see if we could find any detail that tells us otherwise. the weapon that was used for this murder showed ms. cudmore's fingerprints. we took a look at the security cameras and found her near.
me: he's lyin-
judge: play the video.

the cop attached the video to a big screen in the court room. it showed someone but couldn't really see who

me: you can't even see the person for god's sake
cop 1: you want a close up? alright.

he switched to another pov which showed her. i was shocked at what i saw, i looked at eva confused and looked back to the screen

me: your Honor? may i speak.
judge: you may.
me: there's no possible way eva could have murdered kio cyr. kio was only arrested in the first place because he raped eva.

everyone got shocked

K/M: that's not true! my son would never do any-
me: well he did. he gave her a drink with whatever it might've been that he put in there and gave it to her, next thing she knows she's being raped in her own room. eva is the victim here so if you don't-
me: what the fuck..?
judge: ms. cudmore?
eva: i- i killed him.
me: no. no she didn't-
judge: SILENCE!
judge: you're telling me that, you did kill kio cyr?
eva: ...yes
judge: want to tell everyone your story?
eva: it's true. kio cyr did rape me. i stayed forever in my girlfriend's room because i was embarrassed of showing my face. one of those nights i felt so weak i wanted to kill myself. i got out the room went downstairs and grabbed a knife. i was scared. i pointed right in my stomach and i was about to stab but something caught my eye in the backyard. it was some cats snooping around. i put the knife down and went to see what they were doing. as i went outside they got scared and ran away leaving something out in the open. i found a gun beside a bush. i had never seen it there and wondered who put it there. i grabbed the gun and hid it inside my sweatshirt that i had on. i left the house with the gun and went into the woods. i thought this would've been a good opportunity to end my pain. i walked miles and miles into the woods, far from home. i finally stopped and pulled it out and aimed at my head with the finger on the trigger. i was about to fire but then heard people talking. i hid really fast behind a tree and took a look around to see who. i walked so far who would've thought it would lead me to the prison. there were prisoners out in the yard. those same prisoners over there as your witnesses were pushing kio around and all. i thought seeing him in there would put a smile on my face but i was still so full of anger because of what he did to me. i remembered there was a gun in my hands and he was right there. i didn't think about killing him because i don want to go to prison. but before i could process those thoughts i walked towards the prison. i hid in a place close enough to shoot him. next thing i know... i had killed him.

everyone went silent but i was shocked and broken by what i heard.

me: what?.... no- no you didn't kill him. you were in my room- you didn't come out. i killed him.
cop 1: we also invested more into this ms. shumate. we matched a bullet to your gun, it was found into the wall outside the prison. you had missed. apparently you and ms. cudmore had fired the gun at the same time which could've of made you think it was you who murdered him. i'm sorry.
me: no. no, this is all bullshit
judge: Anna Shumate, for the actions of attempting murder and being in position of a weapon, you'll be facing 3 years of prison.
judge: as for you ms. cudmore. you actually committed a murder, but you came forward and was abused. i can see where you're coming from but it doesn't take away the fact you murdered. you'll be facing 5 years of prison. you both are found guilty and will be put in separate prisons.
me: WHAT?!

they started handcuffing eva and taking her away


they started trying to handcuff me as well but i fought my way out and towards eva. i kissed her for a long minute until they came and pulled me away handcuffing me.

eva: (cries) anna.. i'm scared
me: it's okay beb, i love you!
eva: i love you!

they took her away and that's when my heart broke fully into pieces. i kept trying to fight my way out of the handcuffs. they kept trying to hold me down but i wouldn't let them until they injected me when something causing me to calm down and making me sleep losing control of my body.

(y'all have no idea how tired i am of writing. "your honor" after almost every sentence 🌚 anyways y'all gonna hate me for all this but it's okay i'll let y'all because i'll be mad too💀 this was also rushed and was a lot so i don't know if i made sense half of the time. hope you have great day❤️)

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