ch.9 pt3

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Eva's POV: it's around 5am and i'm still driving. i'm so tired but i finally found a place to stay. i found this apartment down in las vegas, nevada. it far enough. and it looks pretty nice. i finally arrived and went in. i didn't think of buying anything, i'll just rest rn and get stuff later. i don't plan on coming back home anytime soon. not after what happened. i laid on my bed and fell asleep.

Anna's POV: i slowly opened my eyes and saw the whole ceiling spinning. oh shit i think ima be sick. i rushed up from my bed and stumbled all the way to the bathroom. once i got there i bent over and puked in the toilet. after 5 mins of nonstop puking, i flushed it and sat on the floor. damn it now i have a head ache. after a little while everything from yesterday starting hitting me.

me: no no no (i whispered to myself)

i remembered that eva left me. tears slowly started coming down. i don't want to feel all this pain again. i got up cleaned myself up, got into fresh new clothes, grabbed my keys, and left the house. i got into my car and drove off. i went to "Total Wine & More" and grabbed a whole 8 pack case of Ultra beers, 3 big bottles of Smirnoff Vodka, 5 bottles of Jack Daniels, and 1 of Malibu. i think this would last me days since they kicked me out of my favorite Bar in town. i went to check them out and the register lady whom i saw was named (Michelle) spoke up

Michelle: throwing a party?
me: hm? oh no this is just for me
michelle: going through a rough time and thinking alcohol would fix it all up? been there.
me: yeah. my girlfriend just left me yesterday so-
michelle: oh wow. that sucks kid
me: mhm
michelle: well here you go, hope you're doing better soon. oh and kid
me: yeah?
michelle: (she pulls me close and whispers) don't waste yourself out. if she's means a lot to you, don't let her get too far.
me: (whispers and smiles) thank you

i left and went out to my car. i put the bags on the passenger seat and sat there for a moment. i thought about what she said. she's right. i'm not letting her go, even if she wants to leave. i got out my phone and dialed eva. it went straight to voicemail so i decided to work with that

me: "hey eva. i just wanted to let you know, i'm not giving up on you. i love you. i really do. and i know it's only been a day, which i know you need space and all but i want you right now. i need you right now. so i'm going to reserve a table for us at our favorite restaurant (The Hangout) where we first confessed our feelings for each other. at 6pm, if you're there then i'll know you'll give me a second chance, if not then i'll know you're done with me. for good. i love you"

i'm really nervous but i hope she comes. i can't go on with life without her.

Eva's POV: i woke up from the nap i took. i'm still a little tired, i looked at the alarm and it said 9am. i grabbed my phone and saw i got a missed call and voice message from anna. god please not right now. i blocked her number so it wouldn't remind me everytime about what she did. i got up from the bed and decided to finally go get the stuff i need for my new apartment. i put my shoes on, went out to my car, and drove to stores nearby.

(we love a cliffhanger 😏. hope y'all are enjoying the story and i know a lot of you hate me rn for making them split up but i promise it'll get better. i hope y'all have a wonderful day!❤️)

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