ch.2 pt4

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Eva's POV: i woke up slowly and later than i usually wake up. i started to stare at my ceiling just thinking about what happened last night. i was upset about what karina had said. i wasn't mad, i just wished she could've talked to anna about it privately. i was in bed for a little longer bc i really didn't want the girls talking to me about it and they usually go eat out at around 10. after waiting a while it was 10:20 and i decided to go get some breakfast since i knew the girls would be gone by then. as i walked down the stairs all the girls were gone except one person... anna.

me: hi..
anna: hey
me: you didn't go with the girls?
anna: nah i stayed to make sure you were okay bc of what happened last night

she's so sweet but i rly wished she hadn't brought that up.

me: oh. i'm okay
anna: you sure? bc it doesn't seem like it
me: mhm i'm sure

we starred at each other for a sec then anna got up and hugged me. as she was hugging me she said:

anna: listen i'm sorry you had to hear all that
me: it wasn't your fault. it wasn't anyone's fault. i'm just upset that what we said rly hurt karina. you need to talk to her and convince her to come back.
anna: i will beb

as she said that she kissed my forehead and hugged me tighter. i love this girl so much.

Anna's POV: not much longer while me and eva were cuddling watching a movie on the couch we heard a knock. i got up and went to open the door. it was karina. i was shocked that she'd even come. she looked upset.

me: karina.. hey
karina: hey anna can we talk?
me: yes ofc come in

as she walked in she noticed eva

karina: oh.. hey eva
eva: hey
me: um we can go to my room and talk
karina: ok yeah

we went up to my room and i closed the door and we both sat down on my bed

karina: so-
me: listen before you start i'm rly sorry that i didn't notice, i should've. your my bestfriend. and i didn't mean to hurt you like that.
karina: no, you have nothing to apologize for. i'm the one that should be apologizing. i shouldn't of acted up like that. i should've stay quiet and just support you guys. i'm rly rly sorry.
me: what- no it's good you said it. it's not good for you to hold back emotions that you're feeling. you needed to let it go. and i get that. we all need to just let it out sometimes.
karina: i just feel like an asshole (starts to tear up)
me: well you shouldn't.
karina: i'm jus- im just hoping you'd forgive me..

i wiped a tear off of her face and held her hand

me: of course (smiles)

she smiled back and i pulled her in for a hug after a few secs she pulled away

karina: i should go apologize to eva now. thanks anna
me: anytime

she go out of my room and headed downstairs to talk to eva.

Eva's POV: i saw karina come downstairs and heading towards me. i was happy she even wanted to talk to me.

me: hey
karina: hey

she sat down next to me with her tearing eyes and right when she started to talk i gave her a hug.

karina: i'm so sorry eva i didn-
me: no no don't apologize. i get you were hurt and i'm sorry for making you feel like that.
karina: it wasn't your fault. i shouldnt of made it a scene. i should've just talked to y'all personally but i didn't and ruined the whole day for everyone. so i'm sorry
me: you didn't ruin it. these things happen. so how about we just forget it happened?
karina: thank you

she hugged me this time and pulled away after secs

karina: well i should get going
me: why don't you stay?
karina: thank you but i just need to clear my head
me: oh. okay i understand

i walked her out and as i closed the door i smiled. i was happy we were good again. anna came down after.

anna: so how'd things go?
me: really good, we're good again
anna: that's great (smiles)

i went up to her and hugged her

anna: what is this for? (chuckles)
me: i'm just rly happy right now

i looked up and kissed her the girls walked in as we kissed

dev: oh god. get a room (she says as she gags)
sab: y'all bitches are simps i swear

we all laughed bc of what they said

i pulled away from anna

sab: so me and dev were thinking since next weekend is halloween, we'd go to a club. what do y'all think?

me: i'm down
anna: do we have to be dressed up in costume?
dev: nahh anna you have to be naked (she says sarcastically)
anna: okay bet
dev: this bitch (she slaps her forehead)

we all laughed

anna: yeah fine
me: ouu anna we can have a duo sexy costume (smirks)
anna: (her eyes widened) yeahhh now i'm rly okay with it
sab: dirty hoes

we laughed one again

(hey guys, i hope you like this story so far! next part i'll be skipping to the day before the club. so lmk any recommendations you would like to see on halloween night!)

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