Ch.14 pt4

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Anna's POV: right now i'm at the grocery store buying more food and things we need for the house. since at the party everyone decided to eat the food we had instead of the food we bought. assholes. anyways i'm doing good at the moment. i mean yeah eva is still in the room and i killed someone but we don't speak on that. other than that, i'm feeling pretty fucking awesome. i got everything we need, paid for it, and got back to my car. i set everything down in the backseat and got in. i drove back home and got the stuff out. i opened the house door and closed it with everything in my hands. as i closed it i heard the tv on from the living room. i was confused bc i haven't watched anything on there. i quietly and slowly walked over and what i saw made me drop the bags

me: eva?
eva: hey (smiles)

i started running my way to her as so did she and she jumped onto me hugging me. i was so relieved

me: holy shit- are you okay?
eva: i am now
me: god i missed you (smiles)
eva: i missed you too
me: i'm so glad you're okay. wait. (sets her down) why are you okay? i mean not that it's a bad thing but- i thought i'd never see you again.
eva: well i wasn't at first. i didn't think i'd come out the room at all but once i did i felt relieved and free. i know everything that happened and i just felt embarrassed to show my face again
me: eva you have nothing to be embarrassed about. it wasn't your fault. you couldn't of stopped it. i'm sorry, i should've stuck with you the whole night but i didn't, i was off getting drunk and i should've protected you. i'm sorry i didn't. but this will never happen again. i'll always protect you. i'm sorry i failed, but next time i won't.
eva: this isn't your fault. i shouldn't of fallen for that stupid drink.
me: it's all over now. i made that asshole pay for what he did to you
eva: wait... what'd you do?
me: top secret
me: can i kiss you? if not it's totally okay with me i under-

before i could finish she kissed me. god it felt so good to have her lips touch mine. we pulled away after a long min

eva: where are the girls anyways?
me: hm? oh shit i forgot to tell them. um they wanted to give us space to figure things out so they went to sleep over with the guys, i'll let them know they can come back

i pulled out my phone and called emma, she immediately picked up

emma: hey, everything alright?
me: yep everything is great, y'all can come back now
emma: wait- eva's left the room?!
me: maybe (chuckles)
emma: oh my god bye we're coming!

she hung up and i went back to hug eva

me: i'm so happy you're okay (smiles)
eva: i'm happy i get to see you again (smiles and kisses me)
me: whatchu watching anyways?
eva: anime, wanna watch with me? (smiles)
me: oh i see what you're doing here but i guess
eva: (chuckles) yeah i knew you wouldn't say no (winks)

we got on the couch and cuddled while we watched anime together. after 30 mins we heard a knock on the door

me: i got it

honestly everytime i hear knocking i automatically think it's cops. i checked through the peephole and saw a finger moving around in it

dev: open up bitch

god of course. i opened the door and the girls ran in and pushed the door with me behind it causing the doorknob to poke me in the stomach


i closed the door when they were all in and went to them. they were all hugging eva, kissing her cheek and all

me: okay okay settle down she's not dead
dev: fuck off
emma: i'm so glad you're okay eva
sab: yeah bitch you had us worried
eva: sorry but i'm glad to see y'all
dev: this causes for a PARTY

we all stopped and looked at dev

dev: i'm just kidding, obviously
me: hoe.
sab: no but really we can have another girls night, but without swimming bc i just got my hair done
dev: bruh
emma: we can just watch movies and do face masks
eva: yesss
me: alright let's do it
dev: i'm ordering food so what y'all want, you know what just do it yourselves

she handed us her phone and we all picked what we wanted. we gave it back and once she looked at it she gave us that "wtf?" look

dev: i really hope y'all putting in money to pay
me: you asked us what we wanted, never said anything about paying
dev: yeah i didn't either but fine i'll pay (flips us off) y'all paying back.

we sat down on the island waiting for our food, the girls were talking to eva asking how she's feeling and all. i could she didn't like talking about it so i cut in and changed the subject

me: so how was it sleeping over with the guys
dev: they would not shut the fuck up. zack was streaming his pokémon cards thingy, brad was being stupid and hurting himself trying to do tricks in the pool, and christian- well christian wasn't loud but he literally took pictures everywhere around the house
me: now y'all know how i feel about y'all (winks and smirks)
emma: .... fuck u
dev: bitch i know you fucking lying, i'm amazing
sab: i'm always with cooper so i don't know what u talking about
me/eva: (laughs)

eva turned around, looked at me, and mouthed "thank you". i smiled and mouthed back "of course". 20 mins later the doorbell rung

dev: i got it!

i sat up straight and looked at the door. it was just the delivery man, thank god

dev: alright bitches, time to eat

we all got our food from the bag it was in and ate up. we all finished and waited it out, after 30 more mins than sab went upstairs to grab the face masks

sab: okay y'all can pick whichever y'all want

we all picked one. first we washed our face in our bathrooms and changed into comfortable clothes. we came back downstairs, emma put on movies, and we all sat on the couch with the face masks on. we finished a whole movie with it on then took it off. we finished another one and everyone started heading towards their rooms to sleep. me and eva went to my room, got comfortable in my bed, and cuddled

me: wanna go on a picnic tomorrow? (kisses her cheek)
eva: i'd love to (smiles and kisses me)
me: great because i wasn't going to take no for an answer
eva: (chuckles) i thought so
me: (smiles) goodnight
eva: goodnight bub

(this was rushed.. again. so if i messed up on something, my bad🌚 hope y'all have a great day❤️)

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