ch.6 pt4

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we both laughed and went downstairs


Anna's POV: while me and eva were going downstairs we saw the girls on the couch on their phone. i went to join them and eva went to the kitchen to get  breakfast and sat on the island

me: so what are y'all doing?
sab: trying to plan what to do later
emma: yeah, how's your hand emma?
eva: it's a little better now
emma: come, i wanna see it

as eva got up and was walking towards emma, of course dev spoke up

dev: damn bitch, why are you crip walking?
eva: huh? what do you mean?
sab: your legs are shaky

i looked at eva with the "oh shit" stare

eva: oh umm i don't know

dev looked at me and smiled

dev: ohh i know, clearly you could see em hickys on her neck, i wonder who did that to her, it was probably some other girl
me: oh stfu dev
dev: well bitch damn you didn't have to suck on her neck that hard, looks like she just got jumped
me: i'll do what i want
emma: so i'm guessing y'all had fun... (slightly smirks)
eva: ANYWAYS what are we doing today?
sab: i don't know. clubbing?
dev/emma: YESS
eva: i'm down
sab: anna?
me: well i really don't wan-
all: come on, gooo
me: (rolls eyes) fine
sab: okay how about around 6:30?
dev/emma/ eva: sounds good
me: yeah yeah

i didn't really wanna go because i know they'll be drinks over there and it reminds me of what happened last time on halloween. but i'll probably be okay, doesn't matter now cuz they're forcing me to go. anyways right now it's 12:45 and there's still time to do whatever. i'll probably just watch some movies or take a nap in my room. i went up to my room and closed the door. i jumped on my bed and got comfortable. i slowly closed my eyes and got into a deep sleep.

Eva's POV: i finished eating breakfast and chilled with the girls on the couch for a while. i noticed anna hasn't came down for an hour. she must still be mad abt us forcing her to go. but i just want her to have fun. i go up and went to her room. i was ready to jump into her arms and cuddle but then noticed she was asleep. i closed the door and sat next to her. she was sleeping on her chest and she had a small opening on her back since her hoodie lifted up. i rubbed her back while she was sleeping bc i knew it would feel good. i kissed her head and just enjoyed watching her sleep. she's adorable. she's the best. this morning proved it. i decided to take a nap too. i'm pretty tired and it'll kill the time. i kissed her head, got comfortable, and fell asleep


Anna's POV: i slowly started waking up. i stretched out my arms and once i relaxed them i felt someone next to me. i looked over and saw eva sleeping. she must of came in here while i was asleep. i laid a couple of kisses on her shoulder and neck while rubbing her stomach. i then saw a little smile on her face

me: i see you smiling you know (chuckles)
eva: whatever (smiles)
eva: how was your nap?
me: pretty good, what time is it?
eva: 4:20
me: oh shit, where the blunts at?
eva: seems like you've already smoked them
eva: now come on we gotta get ready
me: fine

she left and went to her room. i went into my closet and looked for something. i decided on this outfit. (A/N: here's the pic of the outfit)

 (A/N: here's the pic of the outfit)

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I didn't want to get too dressy. I put on the outfit, did a little makeup, straightened my hair, and got ready. once i finished, i got on my phone and just scrolled thru tiktok. then eva came in

me: HOLY-
eva: do i look ok?
me: no you look SEXY
eva: looks who's talking
me: ehh i didn't really dress much
eva: beb i don't care, you still look hot (smiles)
me: thank you (smiles)

then emma came in

emma: hey you guys ready- WHOA. damn y'all look hot
me: thank you bebs
eva: look at youu
emma: ah thank you (chuckles) y'all ready?
eva: yes

we went out to the car, sab was driving, dev was in the passenger, me, emma, and eva were in the back. we drove to the club which was about 45 mins away. once we got there i got a little nervous by looking at it, it shook me a little..

(my bad i'm taking a while to update but here's this. i didn't reread so my bad if something ain't right. hope you guys are enjoying it! i hope you have a great day❤️)

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