ch.4 pt3

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Eva's POV: i woke up to the smell of omelets and bacon. i sat up, rubbed my eyes and saw zack up and cooking breakfast so i got up and went to sit on a stool from the kitchen island

zack: good morning, hope you're hungry (smiles)
me: uh yea- um what are- you can cook??
zack: ehh i cook here and there (he says while handing me a plate with omelet and bacon)
me: well this looks and smells amazing

then dev woke up and joined us

dev: who ordered food?
zack: uh i actually made it (smiles)
dev: (laughs) no but really who ordered food?
me: he isn't lying, he actually made this, here try it (gives her a piece off my fork)
dev: what the fuck (eyes widen) this is good
zack: i know, you don't have to remind me (chuckles)

as we all chuckled anna woke up and came over to hug me from the back and kissed my cheek

me: well good morning to u too (smiles)
zack: hey anna want some food?
anna: you can cook?
zack: nooo i bought some microwaveable food (says sarcastically)
dev: i knew it! those tiny hands couldn't even kill a fly

we all laughed as zack handed anna some food. she sat down next to me and ate

zack: anyways so how are you feeling
anna: much better actually thanks
me: really? that's great beb (i say while i kissed her cheek)
anna: yeah. now we can have some fun (she whispers to me as my eyes lit up)
dev: i heard that you whores
zack: dev mind your business, that's why you stay being single
dev: uh you are too
zack: and i'm okay with that (flips her off and so does she)

the other girls then started to wake up

zack: morning girls y'all want food?
all: yesss

they come and sit with us. we all talked and finished eating. after that someone started knocking on the door

sab: anyone expecting someone?
all: nope
dev: i'll get it

she went to go open the door and as soon as she opened it my eyes widened

me: MOM!!
e/mom: heyyy honey

i ran over to her and hugged her tightly

e/mom: heyy guys
all: hiii

Anna's POV: eva's mom just came and all of the sudden i got so nervous. what would she think of me..

eva: mom this is anna, dev, sab, zack, emma, and christian
e/mom: nice to meet you all
all: nice to meet you too

eva then looked at me blushing and smiling as i shook her mom's hand
eva: so where's dad?
e/mom: well we we're both suppose to come but he got held back for some new offers but he said he misses you
eva: it's okay and i miss him too
zack: well um mrs.cudmore would you like some breakfast?
e/mom: i'd love that thank you

she sat down then zack handed her a plate. as she was eating eva grabbed me and pulled me to a corner away from the kitchen

eva: soo ready for my mom to actually meet you? (smiles)
me: i'm nervous but yes
eva: it's okay just be you and she'll fall in love, just like i did (winks and takes me back to the kitchen)

her mom finished eating and eva grabbed her hand and mine and stood us up infront of each other

eva: mom i'd like you to meet anna... my girlfriend

my heart started pumping, my face turned red and hot, i was scared of what she would think

e/mom: i guess the rumors aren't true, anna shumate does simp (laughs)
me: oh (laughs) just for her
e/mom: (laughs) well i'm happy for you girls, but anna tell me if eva is being a brat so i can handle it bc she can be most of the times
eva: mom
e/mom: i'm sorry hun (chuckles) but i think you two are cute together and i wish you both nothing but the best
me: thank you so much

she hugged me and i felt so relieved. we both pulled back and i smiled at her and went to go sit on the couch with the girls. as i sat down and watched whatever it was the girls were watching i heard some whispers

e/mom: i love her
eva: yeah me too

that made me smile and blush a little. i decided i wanted to impress her more than that so i went over to eva and her mom

me: mrs. cudmore-
e/mom: please call me mom (winks and smiles)
me: (smiles) mom i was hoping you'd let me take you and your daughter out for dinner

devs loud ass ofc had to speak
dev: hey what about us!?

i turned back and mouthed "shut up" and turned back to eva and mom and smiled

e/mom: yes ofc thank you anna that's so kind of you
eva: sure is (smiles and kisses my cheek)

(hey guys sorry i haven't updated but hope you guys are still reading :) thank you for the support! 🤍)

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