ch.8 pt3

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Eva's POV: me and the girls came back last night around 10:15 and i noticed anna wasn't there. i figured she was just still out with the boys but right now it's 6 in the morning and she still hasn't came back. i left over 30 text messages and called about 45 times and nothing. i haven't slept, i'm really worried.

Anna's POV: i slowly started waking up feeling a sharp pain on my side and a heavy feeling in my chest. i saw i was laying down in the backseat of my car. i looked down and saw katie sleeping on me... oh-

me: OH SHIT! (i got up and katie woke up)
katie: huh? (looks at me) WTF! YOU'RE NAKED
me: YOU'RE NAKED (starts putting clothes on)
katie: (puts clothes on) no no no please don't fucking tell me we-
me: FUCK!

i'm so fucking screwed. secs later eva called me

me: oh fuck okay shut up katie

i picked up

me: uh hey eva
eva: about time. where are you?
me: oh uh sorry about that we played all night and i was kinda tired to drive back so i slept over, i know i should've told you i'm sorry
eva: it's fine but when are you coming back?
me: i'm leaving right now so i'll be home in a few mins
eva: okay well drive safe love you
me: love you

i hung up

me: okay so what the hell happened
katie: i don't fucking know you tell me
me: okay we were drunk. so what? we've been wasted before but this shit never happened
katie: and won't ever happen again.
katie: what?
me: i just remembered there's security cameras located in the side mirrors
katie: okay? and what about the- ohhhh. pleaseee i do not wanna see what happened
me: we need to make sure

i pulled up the cameras on my touch screen car stereo. i clicked the last night's date video and holy shit i am screwed

me: god no (puts hand over head and sighs)
katie: this is complete bullshit. delete that

i deleted the video and made sure it was gone forever

me: katie i'm so sorry
katie: we both got into this mess. let's just not speak of it please. like ever
me: i have to tell eva
katie: yeah that won't turn out great
me: you're right. plus she already hates you so imagine how it would be now
katie: whoa hold up, why does she hate me?
me: because we just met and we're already close, she doesn't like it, she thinks we have something going on
katie: why the hell couldn't you just bring the girl with you??!
me: you never said to bring her
katie: yeah but i never said you couldn't bring her. i wouldn't care if you brought her or not
me: ohh
katie: god anna. does she even know you were with me last night?
me: no
katie: what the hell. this is a mess
me: i know. i wanna tell her but i don't. it'll mess everything up
katie: we need to get space for a little while. she hates me because you hang out with me so it's best to just forget about this friendship for a while
me: that's stupid but i guess you're right. i'll drop you off
katie: thanks

i drove to katie's house and dropped her off. i then drove back home. once i parked in the driveway i had to sit and think for a little bit just to control myself. my palms are sweaty and i'm shaking. i really fucked up. and i hate myself for what i've done. after a few mins of trying to control myself i finally calmed down and went in

(the comments on the last part💀 I wanna apologize to all of u for what i did, it was very wrong and i am very sorry. i just would like to move on and live a normal life🌚)

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