Ch.15 pt2

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me: you got m-
cops: Eva Cudmore, you're under arrest for the murder of Kio Cyr
me: wait what-?

(A/N: ima try to make this less confusing for y'all bc it was to me.
cop 1: (the main cop)
any other cop are just extras or whatever so i'm gonna call them (BG/Background Cops)

Anna's POV: the cops started handcuffing eva and i was freaking the fuck out

me: this is big misunderstanding. why is she getting arrested??!
cops: i said it clear didn't i? she murdered Kio Cyr.
me: no the fuck she didn't. you got the wrong fucking person-
cops: please step away.
me: no i will not step away, you're fucking arresting my damn girlfriend for a crime she didn't commit.

she cops put her in the back of their car and pulled out their phone

cops: so you're telling me this isn't her in this video?

he showed me a video and what i saw shocked me. i looked at eva and she looked embarrassed and upset

cops: that's what i thought. her fingerprints were also caught on a firearm.
me: no. that couldn't be. she locked herself in-
cops: ma'am we don't have time for this.

they starting getting in their cars and driving away. i tried running after them but they had gotten away quick. i pulled out my phone with tears dropping down on it and called christian

christian: what's up-
christian: what? why?!
me: she murdered kio..
christian: what? that's impossible
me: how fast can you get down to the police station??
christian: i'll be there in 15
me: good

we hung up. i went running back to my car, started it, and drove to the police station. i parked my car and 5 mins later christian parked beside me. he got out the car and we rushed inside. i went straight to the women in the lobby and asked about eva

(A/N: ima just name her cop again)

me: i'm looking for eva, eva cudmore? is she here? are you a cop? please let me see her
cop: slow down kid. i am a cop. who are you looking for again?
me: eva cudmore

she started typing her name in the computer

cop: eva. cudmore. oh here she is, says she's just been arrested for murder
me: no. it's a misunderstanding. she didn't kill anyone. please let me see-

right before i could finish, the cops walked out a room with eva still handcuffed, leading her to another room

me: EVA
eva: anna?
cop 1: quiet.

i tried going to eva but the cops stopped me

cop 1: you again. i'm sorry but no one can come in contact with her.

other cops came at me pulling me away because i kept getting in his face but i wouldn't let them pull me away


everyone stopped and looked at me

cop 1: what'd you say?
eva: what..?
me: i killed Kio Cyr. i did it. and i have the gun to prove it.
cop 1: that's impossible. we have the gun.
me: i have the gun.
cop 1: where is it?
me: glove box of my car
cop 1: take the key and go search for it.
BG cops: yes sir.

he took my keys and went out to my car

cop 1: put her in handcuffs for right now.
BG cops: yes sir.
cop 1: and y'all set ms.cudmore in another room.
BG cops: yes sir.

they took eva to another room and handcuffed me. as they were handcuffing me i turned to look at christian and mouthed "go home". he nodded no and i mouthed it again, he looked at me for a few secs and walked out. the cops that went to search my car then came back after 5 mins

BG: we have the gun sir. it's the same model as the one that was fired-
me: there's no same model. that's the fucking gun-
cop 1: QUIET!

i stopped talking. this is a fucking mess. how am i supposed to explain that i killed him if they won't fucking let me talk?!

cop 1: go run some tests and make sure every detail is correct.
BG cops: yes sir.
cop 1: you come with me
me: fine

i followed him into his office. i sat in one of his chairs and he was heading out the door but before he did he asked for my name

me: anna shumate

he then left and closed the door behind him. i was about to reach for my phone but had forgotten it in my car. i waited hours and hours for them to come back, i had fell asleep. i then heard the door open

cop 1: c'mon kid, you can go
me: huh? what- why?
cop 1: tests showed it was the same gun, different bullets. it wasn't you.
me: what the actual fuck. i did kill him!
cop 1: yeah whatever might wanna lower your voice there before people start reporting you crazy. although i will see you in trail for being in position of a weapon underage. you and ms. cudmore will have it on the same day, same time,(11:30am) Sunday. now go on kid

he took my handcuffs off and i walked out the door. what the fuck. i went inside my car but before i turned it on. i let my anger out and punched the steering wheel a few times. my eyes started to water. i wiped them off and started the car. i drove back home feeling empty and helpless. i went inside and all the lights were turned off, the girls must be asleep. i rushed over to grab a bottle of any alcohol we have left. i started chugging but then something caught my eye. the light outside in the back yard was on. i took the bottle with me and went out. i looked over at the bushes and went towards it. i looked in them and found nothing but some bullets left. my anger raised on me again and i threw the bottle of alcohol onto the floor causing it to break. i then saw the lights from inside on, i ran to close the door and hid outside

emma: anna?
dev: was that you anna?
sab: hello?

i waited about 10 mins for the lights turned back off and the girls to go away. i broke down outside just thinking of what had really happen and how it did. i didn't want to believe my thought so i went inside and went upstairs to my room quietly. i went on my bed and tried to go to sleep. but it was hard, i got up and looked around my room to find sleeping pills. i found them in my drawer and took 3. after 20 mins i felt my eyes get heavier by the second. i got comfortable in my bed and fell asleep.

(i rushed on this cause i forgot about it, so if there's any mistakes lmk. hope y'all have a great day❤️)

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