ch.7 pt3

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Anna's POV: i woke up with a really bad hangover. my head is pounding and i feel dizzy asf. i got up and rushed to the bathroom to puke. god i drank too much. i finished, cleaned up, and took a shower. after 45 mins i got out and got into new sweats and a hoodie. i left the bathroom and noticed eva wasn't there. i was heading out the door until i got a ft call. it just had their number so i was confused on who it was. i came back into my room and answered

katie: hey you
me: oh shit what's up katie
katie: nothing, how'd you feeling
me: like shit, what abt you
katie: thought i'd been used to it by now but same, you know what'd help? coffee. you in?
me: for sure, send the addy. i'll pick you up
katie: okay

she sent her address

me: i'll be there in 20
katie: yes ma'am

we hung up and i started getting ready. once i was done i went out to my car and put her address on the GPS and drove off. i got to her house and she was already waiting outside

me: get in alcoholic! (chuckles)

she rolled her eyes and got in the passenger seat

katie: can i get the aux?
me: from what i've seen last night, you'll probably put some dumb shit
katie: fuck you

she grabbed the aux and plugged her phone up. i just kept driving and thinking abt what music ima be forced to listen to. after a few mins she put on some song. at first i was like wtf then it got better and better.

me: okay fine. you win
katie: i know

we finally arrived and we ordered ice coffee through the drive-thru. once we got it i drove us to a near small mountain to chill

katie: soo how's life?
me: really?
katie: what? i'm tryna start a convo now answer the damn question
me: damn woman alright. uh it's pretty good wby?
katie: same, how's it going with you and eva?
me: we're great
katie: good. don't mess that up
me: never. you got anybody?
katie: eh recently just got out of a relationship, so just focusing on myself
me: oh sorry
katie: nah don't worry about it, i'm doing great as an independent woman
me: yeah you proved that last night
katie: oh shut the hell up (punches my arm)
me: OW (rubs arm and laughs) we need to do that again tho
katie: definitely

we finished our coffees and convos, and i dropped her off at her house

katie: well nice hanging with you, and thanks for the coffee
me: no problem, we need to hang more often. i'm free the whole weekend, how about saturday?
katie: oof. i'm going to a party saturday but you should come, ask your friends too
me: okay cool, i'll see you saturday
katie: bye

i started making my way out of her driveway and headed home. she's fun to hang with. i don't feel comfortable around most girls bc all they try to do is kiss or put me in awkward positions but not katie. i had finally arrived back home, it was around 4:30. the girls are probably still here bc they usually go places later on the day. i went inside and saw them all on the couch

Eva's POV: me and the girls were hanging out on the couch planning on what to do today until anna came in. i didn't know she was gone so i was confused, she never goes anywhere without telling one of us

anna: sup
dev: well there's the missing bitch
me: hey bubs, where'd you go?
anna: my bad, i was hanging out with katie
sab: who?
anna: a friend i met at the club

here we go again with katie. i'm glad she found a new friend but damn she just met her

dev: a friend huh? (smirks)
anna: DONT.
dev: okay okay...... did y'all kiss?
anna: DEV!

after dev said that i had enough hearing about it so i rushed up and went to my room. god these ppl are annoying sometimes. i laid on my bed and turned on some anime on my tv. i watched for about 10 minutes until anna came in

anna: hey beb, whatcha doing?
me: watching anime
anna: that's cool..
me: what do you want
anna: just wanted to make sure you were okay
me: i'm fine. now go talk to your girlfriend
anna: there it is. it's something about katie ain't it?
me: why do you quickly assume it's her?
anna: i-
me: mhm. y'all just met and now you act like she's always been here for you. that if she's the only person that matters.
anna: no i've never said that (starts raising voice)
me: well it's obviously ain't it? (raises voice as well)
anna: you're overthinking it. you always overthink everything before even coming to me and fucking asking.
me: you're the one making me overthink. you literally left this morning without saying where the fuck you were going!

it was all silent for a moment.

me: just get out please
anna: no
me: anna get out
anna: no
me: get out!

i rushed up from my bed and went towards the door to open it and she slammed it back closed. she quickly then grabbed me by my neck making me look up to her face. we made eye contact while silent until..

(sorry :) this was rushed too but i hope you are all enjoying the story, love you🤍)

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