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It's been a few days since Derek and I were last at Cabaret Alcove.

Since meeting Hilary, I can't get her off my mind. I've been meaning to call but my doubts hold me back. "I'm surprised you haven't hounded her with calls," Derek says as he comes back from his midday run. "Oh do shush, I'm going to," I say firmly. He lays on the bed, recollecting himself with his hat over his face to block out the light. "If you say so."

I growl a little under my breath. To prove him wrong, I grab the phone off the bedside table and use the rotary dial to call. The line rings for a few minutes and I'm certain she's not going to answer...Until I hear her sweet melodic voice.


"Hiya, is this Hilary?" I reply.

"Who?- Oh, yes who's this?" She almost stutters which makes me raise my eyebrow. 

"It's Y/n. We met at the club a few days ago" I answer. "I remember. Let me guess, you want a job?" She says flatly. I don't take it personally. "Well, that would be nice but I was hoping to get to know you" I reply. Hilary stays quiet for a moment. "I suppose that doesn't hurt. If you're free, we could go for a walk in the city" she offers and my heart skips a beat. "I'll be there."

After discussing a time and place, I hang up the phone and stick my tongue out at Derek. "I'm going for a walk with Hilary. Don't be too sad loser" I say as I jump up from the bed. "I hope she pushes you into a ditch" he yawns before turning over and falling asleep. I roll my eyes and grab my jacket, the redheaded beauty awaits.

As I walk down the street I feel giddy, excited like a kid. No girl has ever made me feel like this before. I approach Cabaret Alcove and there she is, standing like a model in the street. The wind softly blows her hair back, highlighting her beautiful features. Then she spots me and raises her eyebrow. 

"I'm surprised you didn't keep me waiting"

"I'd never keep a girl like you waiting"

Hilary gives a small half-smile as we begin our walk together. "So, where are you from?" I ask, admiring the city's scenery but mostly her. "Los Angeles" she answers. By looking at her, she doesn't seem like an LA girl but I believe her anyway. "What about you?" She questions curiously. "Las Vegas, I've moved here with my best friend Derek. He's a right lad if you ask me" I grin.

We conversate in and out of silence, I feel like she's hesitant with me but I persist, showing her I'm a decent person. We reach a small cafe where she stares through the window and I know she's hungry. "I'll pay for you, let's go," I say as I lead her inside. The menu is continuous but Hilary only orders a coffee.

"Are you sure that's all you want?" I say, trying not to sound too judgemental. She nods and I let it go. We carry on with our walk as I bite into my sandwich, the tasty contents falling down my throat. But with each bite, I can't help to feel guilty that Hilary isn't eating. "Please, have some" I offer but she turns me down. "I'm on a diet" she states.

"I could never. It's an excuse to starve yourself" I say. Looking at the babe, she does appear awfully slim. Leaning close, I whisper into her ear "They're not manipulating you, are they?"

She shakes her head. "Audrey has been nothing but a sweetheart to me. Drop it"

So with that, I do. 

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