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With my glass empty, I extend my hand out. "Keep 'em coming," I say, the bartender nods in response. My thoughts are so busy I haven't even noticed Derek has taken a seat beside me. "If you have any more drinks, you might need your stomach pumped," he says and I turn to face him. "Then so be it. I need to drown out my sorrows" I reply firmly. He rests his chin against the palm of his hands and I sigh. "What happened to us?"

 "It's just a rough patch, that's all Y/n. Have you spoken to her?" 

"Not since last week"

"Then you wouldn't know she's leaving the city"

I frown. "She's what?"

"Apparently she's got an audition in Vegas. Her train leaves tomorrow evening" I'm informed but I'm too swayed to even process the information. "I won't be surprised if she flirts with the damn train conductor" I mutter, still holding onto that grudge.

He rubs my back comfortingly as any best friend would.

"Cmon don't be like that. I'm not saying what she did was the smartest move but she had good intentions. She did it for you."


Derek sits unfazed by my explosiveness. 

"I'm sorry"

"Let's get you home" he wraps his jacket around me like a gentleman and leads me out of the crowded bar. I inhale the crisp fresh nighttime air, dreading the hangover that's due to plague me in the morning. Derek drives us back home and I stumble over to the couch where he joins me. "Why can't she just love me?" I manage to muster up, laying my head on his chest.

"She does love you. I see it with my very eyes"

"So why did she flirt huh? She could've paid him or anything else but nooo instead she does that nonsense" I huff. Derek chuckles. "You've always been a feisty one Y/n. Have you even tried to talk to her? Hear her side of things?"

"No, because if I see her I might want to kiss those soft, precious lips but I'm also mad at her so it's best that I ignore her."

He clicks his tongue. "Women. I will never understand them."

I sit up. 

"Has she said anything about me?" I'm curious to know.

"She misses you, that's for sure. Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah but..." I hesitate for a moment "If she misses me, why is she leaving?"

"For a dance gig. You should be happy for her" he answers. "How can I be happy for her when I can't even be happy with myself?" I bite my lip thoughtfully. "Well," he sits up too "You should at least say goodbye before she leaves" he replies. 

'Say goodbye...'

I can't even look her in the eye, let alone saying goodbye. It's all so confusing, why is love so confusing? In the books, it's perfect, a true story romance. But now I'm experiencing it for myself I just can't figure out where it's all going wrong. Maybe it's my own ego that's holding me back.

"What time does she leave?"

"Six pm"

I nod. "We'll see what happens."

Starstruck ✧ (Cherry Valance x reader)Where stories live. Discover now