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"Showtime! Move your pretty little butts!" Audrey calls out. She weaves her way through the dancers fussing over every tiny detail. I stand by Cherry, fixing her luscious ginger curls. "Your hair is beautiful" I breathe out "You're beautiful." She turns around to face me with a big smile. "You're making me blush" she giggles and my heart skips a beat.

"Would you stop flirting and get behind those damn curtains" Audrey yells at me. I roll my eyes before giving Cherry a quick hug. "Good luck out there," I say and she thanks me. I don't want to leave her side but I have a duty to do as I take my seat behind the curtain rope. I see the dancers starting to line,  a giddy feeling in me.

I can't imagine dancing on stage let alone being on a huge stage in the spotlight. Besides, if I saw any hot chicks in the crowd I might've got distracted and forgotten the steps. "Three...Two...One!" I hear the countdown and I know it's my cue. With all my strength, I pull hard on the rope as the curtains start to separate.

The dancers strut out and the show begins. Just like the first time I ever saw her out there, I watch Cherry in awe. With every move, she's just so majestic and it feels like we're the only people in the world. "You must want to be a dancer too" Audrey's voice makes me flinch from behind. 

"What- oh no. I'm just watching" I shrug. She nods slowly, her hands on her hips. "I suppose you're watching miss Sherri," she says firmly, I look at her. "You know her real name too?" I'm surprised. "Of course I do, I'm the boss," she says condescendingly and I feel like a dummy. "Well, it's just you call her Hilary around here," I say.

"If a lady requests something, you do it. She told me a little about her past and you see I know what it's like wanting to hide away from the real version of yourself" Audrey says and I start to feel like there's more to her than what people see. 

Before I can reply she tuts "Anyway stop dilly-dallying. I don't hire slackers" she walks away and I slowly smirk. Guess she's not so bad after all. When the show comes to an end, I wait for Cherry in her dressing room, nosily touching her makeup bag out of boredom. "Quit touching my stuff" I hear her voice after the door shuts.

"Yes ma'am" I grin. I watch as she unpins her hair, letting it down as it flows out. Her costume comes off piece by piece until she's left in her underwear. My eyes go wide and I try not to stare but holy shit I already know I've got a lady boner. "You never seen a girl undress before?" Her eyebrow raises and I play it cool.

"Course I have, just never seen anyone with a beautiful figure like yours" I reply instantly. She giggles again as she pulls her dress over her head. "You're quite the charmer ain't you? I think you've complimented me more than once today" she says lightheartedly. At the same time, I mildly panic because I don't want to scare her off.

"Just being honest. I was wondering, maybe we could go out to dinner sometime?" I offer. It goes quiet, she's taken aback. "You mean like a date?" She questions. I want to shout yes, I want to tell her I'll take her on as many dates as I please. But then I remember, society says no. 

"No no, as friends obviously" I mask the pain in my voice. After a moment, she nods. "I'd love to Y/n."

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