35 - the end

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Ten years later


"Okay okay, I'm coming," I make my way into the living room where my daughter is playing. She looks up at me with the brightest, most innocent eyes and the cutest cheeky grin that melts my heart. "Is uncle Derek and aunt Mandi coming over tomorrow?" She asks curiously. "For lunch yes, they're bringing little Kayla too," I say and giggle when she jumps up in excitement.

I remember the day Mandi told us the news that she was pregnant. We celebrated in joyous style and couldn't wait to meet baby Kayla. Derek was beyond over the moon too. That was when I thought to myself, why shouldn't I have a child too? When I was a young'un I sometimes dreamt about becoming a mother. So I did what I had to do and secretly adopted a little girl.

Best thing I ever did.

She was abandoned at birth for reasons unknown but when we met, we instantly connected. To be able to watch her grow up is my greatest pleasure. She's ever so kind and bubbly with a big passion for cuddles and playing with her new toys. Occasionally she'll sass me but that's to be expected. Like mother, like daughter. 

I switch her favourite cartoon on and pull her into my lap even though she's too engrossed to even notice. Her hair sits perfectly just past her shoulders which I begin to braid, humming a nostalgic tune my mother used to sing to me. Sometimes I wonder, what would my life have been like if Bob was still alive? I try not to dwell too much, I'm happy where I'm at now.

It's not until around four pm that we suddenly hear keys in the door and get excited.

She's home.


Your pov:

"I'm back-" 

I don't get to finish my sentence as both Cherry and our sweet daughter run into my arms. I can't help but smile as I'm smothered with affection, it's the best part of my day. "How are my babies doing hm?" I hold them close. "We're good, we couldn't wait to see you," Cherry kisses me and we hear "Heyyy there is a child present!" Which makes us laugh.

They lead me to the couch where I flop down into Cherry's warm embrace. She smells like flowers and I instantly know she's wearing my favourite perfume, I smirk a little. Running my hand through her luscious locks, she relaxes. "You know Y/n...I've been thinking" she looks at me "Now don't be scared will ya?"

I raise my eyebrow before replying, "What's on your mind darling?"

She pauses for a moment before saying "I think we should get married."

Sure, we've had the conversation before but this time I can tell she's serious by the look on her face. "I almost lost you once. I would've never had the chance to be yours forever and I can't live with myself knowing that I didn't take the opportunity" she continues.

"Cherry" I sit up a little "I don't need a signed paper and expensive rings to tell me I'm yours. I love you unconditionally, wedding or no wedding."

"Yes but I want to be your wife!" Cherry huffs, her arms crossed.

How could I say no to that precious face? So I finally give in and consider it. After all that we've been through, I suppose now would be a good time. We have the money in savings too, Audrey pays us well enough. After a few minutes, I lean close and whisper in her ear, "Soon baby. Very soon."

The biggest smile etches across her face and mine too. Just wait till Derek hears the news.

If anyone said to me ten years ago that I would be set to marry the love of my life and become a mama too, I would've never believed it. I spent a couple of years in the hospital after Angela's death learning how to do the basics, learning how to become me again. It was hard, there were times when I couldn't see it through. 

That time of my life consisted of many sleepless days and nights. I saw doctors after doctors and visitors after visitors. I was taken to see a therapist too- Sara Green. I must admit, the lady knows her stuff. Even with all of the help I was receiving, it felt like an endless loop that I couldn't seem to escape from.

My story was all over the press. I'd watch the news to see mine and Angela's faces plastered everywhere. As time passed by, fewer and fewer people were talking about it until one day it was as if neither of us existed anymore. I went back to being a nobody, just another girl with a tragic past.

But Cherry, oh my sweet darling Cherry. She stayed by my side and gave me the strength I needed. If it wasn't for her and Derek, well I'd be a totally different person. Some people might think I'm hapless because of what happened yet I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world. When I left my hometown and came to New York, I had a deep feeling I was in for some sort of adventure.

Little did I know I was going to meet the girl who changed my life for the better.

The beautiful redheaded girl who saved my life.

Cherry Valance.


A/N - Ahh thank you so much for reading my Cherry fanfic!! This is where the story ends but I hope you've still enjoyed it. I'll be honest, I don't think this is my best work, I really struggled to keep this entertaining yet keep the romance I intended at the start. Nonetheless, I had fun writing the plot and I can't thank you enough for all the support I get even when I feel like I'm at my worst. I love you all <33

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