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I hear thunderous voices from Audrey's office so I sneak to the door, eavesdropping on the conversation. "I can't believe she dropped out! We need her for the routine!" Audrey cries out. "Can't you just find another dancer? There's so many out there in the darn city" Arthur replies. "Many but who has real talent?" She ponders.

I think for a moment and make a quick decision. "I'll do it," I say walking into her office. Their heads turn to me and Audrey laughs a bit. "You? Dance? I thought a mop suited you better" her tone is condescending but I take no offence to it. "Try me. You need someone to fill the space? Here I am" I say boldly. 

Audrey and Arthur exchange glances. As I stand there, they discuss their options for a while before finally turning back to me. "Fine, you've got the job. Rehearsals start today" Audrey tells me. She doesn't look too happy but I'd rather take the chance to prove myself around here. I follow her to the dressing room quietly, not sure what to expect.

"You don't look like a dancer but I'm sure this costume will fit" she mumbles, searching through the rack. She pulls a skimpy one out and hands it to me. "Uh, do you have one that's less...Revealing?" I ask. "No," she says bluntly and walks out, leaving me to change. I sigh, wondering if this is a good idea. 

Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel replaced. The costume shows off a lot of skin and I feel like a doll. "I'm doing this to spend more time with Cherry," I say to myself. "Y/n! Get out here!" I hear Audrey screech for me. Flinching, I run out onto the stage and join the other girls. They all stare at me, Cherry seems the most surprised. 

"What are you doing in costume?" She asks and I can't tell if she's checking me out or not. "I'm filling in for the dance" I reply and she smiles. "Now ladies you'll have to teach Y/n to the best of your abilities. Don't let me down" Audrey instructs with a glare before walking away. "You heard the boss" Cherry calls out. 

All the girls get in line and I can't help but check each one out. "Pay attention!" One of the dancers snap at me and I roll my eyes. They start to show the choreography and I'm lost, all the steps seem too fast and complicated. "Slow down will ya? I'm new" I huff, trying to learn but I keep messing up. 

Derek spots me on stage and strolls over. "I see you're heading up the ranks" he teases and I flip him off. "I'm proving myself alright? I want to be respected" I reply. He looks me up and down, holding back a laugh. "Respected or objectified?" His eyebrow raises. "I swear-" I go to argue with him but Cherry pulls me back.

"Focus Y/n," she tells me and I listen only to her. The rest of the rehearsal is gruesome and by the end, I'm pretty sure I've twisted my ankle. I sluggishly follow Cherry back to the dressing room, changing back into my comfy clothes. When I turn my head, I catch her staring at me but she acts like it's nothing which makes me smirk.

"See something you like?"

"I was just looking" she replies, slightly blushed. 

I have a feeling things can only get better from here.

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