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"We're going to get through this" Cherry pecks a dainty kiss on my lips. It cheers me up for the slightest of moments but it doesn't take away the full reality. Angela let all misery loose on me when she awoke afterwards. With no camera evidence to back me up, I had to pay the price with a black eye.

Cherry gently dabs at my face with concealer. "I know it hurts but I can't let the customers see you like this" she responds to my wincing and mumbling. "I miss home, I miss Derek" my voice trembles. She holds me close in her arms. "You'll be reunited soon, I promise!" 

From the main room, we hear our names being announced. "Showtime Y/n," I follow Cherry out of the dressing room and backstage. We eventually prance out on stage, the fluorescent lights feel almost 100 degrees. Even with a face full of makeup, I'm still self-conscious that anyone can see the harm that was set upon me.

I let Cherry lead me and the other few dancers. The men don't care about the routine, they only care about the outfits and what hides underneath. Dancing never used to bother me before but tonight, I hate it more than I ever hated life itself. The cheers and whistles overwhelm me but I power through, I have to.

The song comes to an end after a three-minute playtime. In desperate need of a drink, Cherry and I head down to the bar. "Fantastic as always" the bartender praises. "Thank you" she replies with a smile but I merely nod, avoiding conversation.

"May I have your attention everyone?"

All heads turn to the stage. There stands Angela in a dress that makes her look like a dream princess, sexy yet elegant. Oh, how looks can be deceiving. "Thank you all for joining us tonight. You're the best customers I've seen in a long time" she says into the microphone. The men applaud proudly.

Her eyes settle on me for a split second.

"I have some news" the room falls deadly silent, you might've heard a pin drop. "It's come to my attention that we have two dancers who have been fraternizing with each other" a critic murmur arises "Two female dancers" Angela drops the bombshell.

"Are you saying there are lesbians in here?" Someone calls out.

"Are you kidding me? That's despicable" another expresses. 

The crowd erupts into disses and blatant homophobia.

"They're right there" Angela points at me and Cherry.

The spotlight falls on us. Dozens of eyes prey on us but not in a flattering way. I can feel my heart pounding so fast it might explode. "Why are you doing this?!" Cherry yells, tossing her drink aside. "People like you aren't welcome here" Angela shrugs. "You're one of us too! She's lying" Cherry's attempt to save us fails.

Objects start to get thrown at us, mostly empty beer bottles and even a few musty boots. "Get them!" Someone yells. A crowd charges at us, arms grabbing from left, right and centre. In the midst of the chaos, Angela watches with a malicious smile plastered on her face. A face of beauty is yet so deadly.

"GET THE HELL OFF ME!" I shove with all my force, sending a few people to the ground. I take hold of Cherry and we make a run for it out of the club. She's crying but I don't have time to comfort her, we have to get as far away as possible. Down the street, chucking a left and racing in any direction I can think of.

"T-the train station!" She stammers. "We don't have any money or tickets" I pant. She shakes her head and says "It's now or never Y/n!"

She squeezes my hand and we do it. We run into the station, jumping over the gates and scrambling away from security guards. "Oi! Come back trespassers" they yell. High on adrenaline, we push through strangers and make it to the platform. "This way!" Cherry hisses. We jump aboard and stumble through the carriages.

"WHERE'D THEY GO?!" I hear one bellow. 

There's a tiny bathroom compartment that Cherry pulls me into. There we crouch, huddled together in shock and fear of what could happen if we're caught. Neither of us dares to say a word, instead, we listen to our heavy breathing. Her shaky arms wrap around me and I bury my head into her neck.

The sound of hefty footsteps pass by but eventually fade. 

"I'm scared Y/n" she whispers to me. In the darkness, I can't see her face but I know it's laced with anxiety. "Me too," I manage to whisper back. A knock on the door freezes us in place, solid as a rock. "Anyone in there?" A woman's voice calls out. "B-busy!" I reply. We hear a huff before she leaves.

"Where does this train even go?" Cherry asks curiously. "I have no idea" I answer. 

Wherever it leads can't be half as bad as the hell hole of Vegas.

Starstruck ✧ (Cherry Valance x reader)Where stories live. Discover now