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"This is it, ladies! You better not disappoint me out there" Audrey calls out. After a rollercoaster of three weeks of training, the dance show is finally here. All the girls are lined up ready to go and I spot Cherry smiling at me. We've gotten a lot closer and now she calls me her best friend. It makes me happy but not happy enough, I want more than just a friendship. The curtains draw open, the music starts and we strut out.

I focus on the routine as hard as it is. Cherry steals the show, I'm not surprised but I know if I mess up Audrey will probably kill me. 'Left foot, right foot, back again' I recall the steps in my mind. All eyes are on us, the crowd is mostly men. I notice Derek watching with a thumbs up and I feel even more confident with his support.

As a group, the dancers manage to dance their way through effortlessly. The crowd applauds with whistles and looks of lust as we bow down before strutting off. Audrey approaches us one by one congratulating us. When she gets to me, her eyebrow raises. "I didn't expect that from you but...Well done" she says firmly. It's the first, maybe the last time she will ever be nice to me but I take it. "Thank you" I nod. 

"Y/n!" Cherry squeals. She runs up to me and hugs me tightly, we almost topple over from her excitement. "You did amazing out there!" She smiles breathlessly and I feel my heart flutter. "Not as good as you" I reply. She then leads me over to the bar where Mandi and Derek are waiting. "Well didn't you look mighty fine out there" he greets, swinging his arm around my shoulders.

"I really enjoyed it" Mandi chimes in. "Thanks guys," I grin as I'm met with a drink on the house. I chug it down quickly, the soothing contents cooling me down from the hot mess that I feel. We relax at the bar for a while before Cherry and I decide to head home. Out in the darkened streets, Cherry won't stop twirling and dancing as I admire the aura of her confidence. 

"Don't you just love the adrenaline?" She swoons. "Sure do" I say, I can't take my eyes off her. It doesn't take us long to reach back, but I can still tell she's in a hyper mood by the way she swings her hips or the way her hair bounces with every movement. "Hmm" I hear her say thoughtfully. She runs her delicate fingers over a stack of records before pulling one out.

Cherry gently places it onto the vinyl and the song begins to play.

A/N - [play the song for a better read ;)]

"Dance with me?" She holds her hand out.

I'm a little surprised but I accept her advances. Holding hands, we begin to boogie away to the beat, Cherry even sings along a little. I like her voice, it's very melodic. Taking charge as I'm fired up on fuel, I spin her around and dip her, my free her supporting her back. I slowly lift her again and pull her close.

She doesn't seem uncomfortable as we dance close together, her flowery scent is strong. I wonder, if anyone saw us would they judge? I also wonder if in a movie, would I kiss her right here, right now? Oh boy do I want to. Her lips look so soft and inviting but I hold myself back out of fear of rejection. 

The song eventually comes to an end but we're still tight in each other's embrace. "You look really pretty" I whisper making eye contact. Her lips twitch into a wide grin, eyes sparkling. "Are you flirting with me Y/n?" She teases and I feel my face redden.


Before I can even form words she plants a kiss on my cheek and I just about die.

"Goodnight sweet girl" she pulls back and saunters away into the bedroom, the soft click of the door means I'm alone. I want to scream, jump, maybe even pass out. If that meant anything to her, then it certainly looks bright for us.

Starstruck ✧ (Cherry Valance x reader)Where stories live. Discover now