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Not even three hours into my first ever shift at the Cabaret Alcove and already Audrey is working me to the bone. She's handing me every little task. 'Fetch me this or fetch me that...Where's my damn coffee?' Ugh, I really should've taken the bar position. I have to keep reminding myself I'm doing it for the money.

Derek seems to be having the time of his life with Mandi whilst I'm running all over the place like a headless chicken. I just know by the end of the day my feet are going to ache and I'm not looking forward to it. The only thing that keeps me fuelled is knowing that I get to see Cherry every day, her smile brings me to life. 

Since I found out the truth about her, she's been a bit more open with me which I like. I could listen to her talk about herself all day long, nothing else. Her sweet melodic voice alone is heavenly. "Focus new kid. Did you iron all the costumes as I requested?" Audrey snaps her fingers in my face, catching my attention.

"Yes ma'am"

"Good. Now shoo, I have work to do"

With a fake plastered smile, I shuffle over to the bar with a heavy sigh. "Straight vodka, and keep your voices down" I order. Derek and Mandi exchange grins. "I bet she's working you real good Y/n" he taunts, I almost break his arm off.

"Yeah well you two are lucky that you get to flirt around whilst I'm doing everything for mother over here" I grunt, causing them to laugh. A man heads over and sits beside me. He looks mid-forties with dark thinned out hair and a moustache that's fairly groomed. 

He orders a drink, scanning me up and down before doing the same to Derek. When he receives his glass, he walks away without a thank you. "Some customers don't have any manners" I comment which makes Mandi giggle.

"That's no customer, that's Audrey's husband Arthur! They share the club" she explains and I feel like a fool. I'm about to reply when I spot Cherry practising on stage. The way she moves, it's firm but elegant. Her face neutral. She looks so...Ethereal. I can't stop watching even if I try to. "Stare any longer and you might as well marry her" Derek teases me and I shush him.

"You like her?" Mandi asks surprised. "Me? Don't be ridiculous. Girls can't be with girls" I state but it feels so wrong lying to myself. I would be with her if I could, hold her hand, kiss her soft lips. Tell her how beautiful she is every day. We should be allowed to date like any other couple. 

That's what I would do if society wasn't so judgemental. I've seen gay couples out in the street before, they often get harassed or if worst comes to worst, they get beat up for it. How does something so simple almost feel like it's a crime? But I suppose if being in love is a crime...Take me to jail.

Starstruck ✧ (Cherry Valance x reader)Where stories live. Discover now