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Cherry's pov:

8:32 am.

"Welcome back, Sherri Valance."

The familiar voice of Sara Green rings through my ears as she takes a seat opposite me, a clipboard on her lap. I clasp my hands together, it had been a few weeks since I had previously been here. The only thing that had changed was the arrangement of her office.

"I believe the last time we had an appointment was shortly before you left for Tulsa to visit your parents, is that correct?" She questions. I nod. "What was your experience like there?" She continues, looking at me for answers.

I reply, "It wasn't as distracting as I thought it'd be."

"You kept thinking about it?"

"I can't stop," I say with a heavy sigh.

She nods her head before scribbling down her notes quickly. It wasn't my idea to see a therapist, Audrey insisted when I was struggling to work. "I think it's time we take a look at various possibilities to help you move on, sometimes holding onto the past is more damaging than letting go" Sara counsels. I shake my head.

"I don't want to move on."

She places her clipboard down. "I understand but it's truly for the best. You've been through an event so traumatic that you owe it to yourself to let go of those unfavourable reflections. Tell me something that makes you feel optimistic and safe."

That's easy to answer and I know exactly what I'm going to say.

"When Y/n and I first met-" I pause and give a little chuckle "-I never expected to fall in love with her. Each day we spent together, I just saw her willingness and devotion towards me. It felt right in a world where others can make us feel like it's wrong but our love is everlasting."

"I can tell you really care about Y/n. Do you remember that she'd want you to be happy and move on from the past?" Sara replies calmly, peeling off her glasses to wipe them clean. I sink back in my chair and say "Yeah...You're right."

"Trauma is a powerful thing Cherry but you're an even stronger person. You have so much life ahead of you that you should treasure. You'll have many stories to tell your children and grandchildren," she says supportively. "I don't think lesbian adoption is legal" I frown a little. "Ah, you never know what the future holds," Sara tells me.

The session drags on for another thirty minutes until I'm eventually able to thank her and leave. Derek waits in the lounge for me, hidden behind a magazine. I tap on his shoulder to catch his attention. "Heya, how was it?" He asks. "She says I need to move on, not necessarily forget but let go of the painful memories," I tell him as we start to leave the building.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try," he pats my shoulder comfortingly.

As we walk down the street, I listen to his chatter about his adventures with Mandi. They've really hit it off and I'm happy for them, I just wish I could be too. It's hard to stop thinking about that awful day...It changed everything. Just as we pass by a newspaper stand, a widespread story catches my eye.


Horror crash leads to one dead, another in critical condition

I freeze on the spot, my eyes fill with tears. Derek notices I've stopped and watches as I pick up the newspaper in silence and begin to read aloud for him. My hands tremble slightly, my voice is unsteady as I try to keep composure but the haunting pictures of Y/n and Angela stare back at me, not a trace of a smile in sight. 

To strangers, they're just another statistic. Scandalous teenagers who met an unfortunate fate.

But to me? Y/n means everything. Hate is a strong word but no better word describes how I feel towards Angela who ruined our lives.

Everyone is talking about what happened, gossiping as if they know all the details. Interviewers reach out to me but I always decline. They don't care about me or my loved ones, they only care about the money and the publicity they can gain from our story. The thought of it boils my blood.

"Cmon, let's get going," says Derek softly. He pries the newspaper from my hands before tossing it aside and gently leading me away. I carefully wipe my eyes, hoping that my mascara hasn't smudged. Derek doesn't let go of me, he knows I need all the ease I can gather. I let him guide me down the street in silence.

Visiting the local hospital brings back memories. It reminds me of the time Bob fell during horse riding and I stayed with him a few days. The smells, the visuals, it's an overwhelming feeling. Derek speaks to a nurse who leads us upstairs to the third floor and into the very last room.

"Call if you need anything," the nurse shuts the door on her way out. 

Derek squeezes my hand and we approach the bed.

"My poor baby..." is the only thing I manage to say.

Y/n lies on the bed peacefully asleep but she's connected to all sorts of wires and she's heavily drugged on pain relief. Bruises and gashes still linger across her face yet she's still as perfect as ever. Derek takes a seat beside her and holds her dainty hand, her eyes slowly flutter open. "There's my best friend" he smiles and she makes a noise in response.

The doctors said she has fractured her jaw alongside a shattered collarbone and a few minor internal injuries.  She's going to have to relearn how to walk and talk when she's finally released but that won't be for a long time. Y/n's eyes settle on me and I notice them almost sparkling in delight. I lean over and kiss her head very warily.

"I miss cuddling and kissing you" I hold her other hand in mine. Cold yet still soft, I intertwine our fingers together. Though she can't speak, she makes another noise in response. Y/n flashes a very faint smile at me and I start to loosen up a little, I know she's going to be okay. I tell her I love her and by her reaction, she's happy as ever.

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