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"Cheer up honey," Angela smiles at me. I could force a smile back but what's the point? I'm unhappy.

"I just want to go back home, to my real home" I muster up a response. "Y/n..." She groans, resting a hand on my shoulder "You are home. With me, what could you possibly be upset about?"

I respond with a harsh glare. She's gotta be kidding, right?

"Look, it's not nice to be ungrateful. I've given you a job, lots of comfort and love-"

"This is not love you psycho!"

Angela grabs my face roughly. "You better hush. I won't have you acting out otherwise I'll take you right back to that bathroom and keep you there!" She hisses, peering around to see if anybody was listening.

Nobody even glimpses at us.

She loosens her grip and smiles again. "Now, why don't you go get ready for the show? We have to impress our new boss."

With a heavy sigh, I push myself up from the barstool and make my way to the dressing room.

Brushing her hair, Cherry notices me as I enter.

"Hey, are you okay?" I greet, taking a seat at the vanity. She completely ignores me and continues combing as if I don't even exist. It hurts like hell. A few minutes pass and I spot Cherry glaring at me as I powder my face.

"I can't believe they let a cheater work here" I hear her complain.

"It's not like that!" I insist, throwing the compact down. "You kissed another girl in front of me!" She argues. "She kissed me for your information and I didn't even want it!" I bicker. Cherry storms over and grabs onto my costume. "How could you do this to me!" She shakes me roughly.

"She fucking kidnapped me, Sherri!"

She pauses unsure before slowly letting me go. "She what?"

"Back in New York, she handcuffed me in her bathroom after knocking me out. She won't leave me alone!" I'm almost shouting but remember I have to keep my cool. By the look on her face, I can tell she's doubting me. "You don't look kidnapped" she crosses her arms.

"What would you know huh? You get everything handed to you I bet you don't even know what trauma is" the words just fall out of my mouth.

The room turns silent.

She doesn't say a word so I dare to speak again.

"I came here hoping we could leave together but you don't even believe me," I brush past her shoulder and leave. I'm so pent up on emotions that I can barely even remember the dance steps. "It's about time you show up," Angela calls out. She approaches me and tugs at my skimpy costume. "You look amazing!" She winks.


Fuck off.

She slips her hand in mine before pulling me to the stage. I spot Cherry making her way out but she doesn't even glance at me. I couldn't care less about this performance but even so, I push myself through it. I stumble for a second, occasionally having to copy the other girls dance moves. 

Men cheer and yell out flirty comments. Some even toss condoms at us. It's all too much for me so I run off stage and head out to the back of the building. I'm not usually a crier but a few tears slip down my cheeks as I hold myself, the cool breeze whipping my face. I take all the time I need to compose myself, not even caring about this stupid job anymore.

The door creaks open a while later and I hear "Y/n?"

"Just leave me alone. Nothing matters anymore,"

"You matter to me! I saw you run off and I just have to make sure you're okay"

She touches my arm and I freeze. My teary gaze slowly meets Cherry's and she looks like she's going to cry too. "She hurt you, didn't she?" Cherry whispers shakily. "She wants me all to herself...When I only want you," I reply.

I thought she'd only hug me but Cherry does more than that by pulling me in for a kiss. I instantly melt in, it feels just right. I never want the kiss to end but sadly, we have to pull apart before someone finds us. "We have to call the cops!" She says adamantly.

"We can't! They won't believe me. You didn't even believe me and you're my girlfriend...At least I think you are,"

"You've been confused too?"

"You just left so suddenly, we didn't get to talk about anything" I sigh quietly. Cherry rubs my arm delicately as I lay my head on her shoulder. She says, "I've really missed you Y/n," which makes me smile. "I missed you too baby."

The door creaks open again.

"There you are Hilary,"

I turn my head to look at a male, the boss to be exact. He's wearing a suit that's crisp to perfection. He strides towards us and pulls her close to him, ignoring my presence. "Why'd you run off huh sweetheart? You're the star of the show," he sweeps the stray hairs out of her face.

"I was just comforting...My friend," she says.

But before I can intervene, he kisses her.

Starstruck ✧ (Cherry Valance x reader)Where stories live. Discover now